Viral Now - Why People Like Those Who Know How To Joke About Themselves

Who doesn’t love a good laugh every once in awhile? Watching comedy movies and joking with our friends are great ways to unwind after a stressful day. Somehow, some of the funniest jokes around are the ones that people make about themselves.

When you hear somebody joke about themselves, it’s instantly funny. Not only that, but it draws you toward the person and makes them instantly relatable. Even though comedy is a very subjective thing, there are certain steps you can take to make people laugh and get them to like you.

“I don’t mind making jokes, but I don’t want to look like one.” – Marilyn Monroe

Sometimes, jokes are meant to make fun of other people. I’m sure you’ve laughed at more than a few of these. The truth, however, is that these jokes might hurt somebody’s feelings. If you’re hoping to be funny, don’t tell jokes that could make somebody else feel alienated.[1] That isn’t the way to get somebody to like you.

Remember, humor shouldn’t hurt somebody’s feelings. If your goal is to get people to like you by telling jokes, don’t make fun of anyone else. When you do this, you’re pointing out someone’s insecurities. Most people fight against their insecurities on a daily basis. They don’t need you to draw attention to these issues. Making fun of others is not the way to get people to like you.

“If you want anything done well, do it yourself. This is why most people laugh at their own jokes.” – Bob Edwards

You’re probably wondering how to make jokes without using somebody else for the punchline. Easy. Use yourself! That’s right, self-deprecating humor is considered really funny by most audiences. You also have the added benefit of not making somebody else feel bad.

When you make self-deprecating jokes, your literal words are not what makes the joke funny. Instead, the subtext of your message is what makes people laugh. In other words, self-deprecating jokes get their point across indirectly. Be critical of yourself and your actions in a humorous manner, and identify something about yourself that others might find funny.

“We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that.” – Ellen DeGeneres

One of the funniest TV hosts is Ellen DeGeneres. She’s the best at telling jokes that make people instantly like her. According to a video by Charisma on Command, DeGeneres tends to use 3 types of jokes.[2] She uses self-deprecating humor, innocently pokes fun at others, and tries to lift people’s egos.

In short, be like Ellen DeGeneres when you’re telling jokes. When you avoid making fun of people and their insecurities, you will make more people like you. Telling innocent jokes is much more likely to get laughs out of people. Why? Because people usually aren’t insecure about temporary situations, common issues, or things that are not part of their very identity.[3]

Other ways to be funnier include making exaggerated body movements and including games in your interactions with other people. Try to have fun and include other people in that fun, no matter what you’re doing. If you can make other people laugh, you’ll help brighten their day and make some friends along the way.

So remember, next time your want to make a joke, think it over first. Make sure that you aren’t making somebody else the butt of your humor. And if you are, make sure it isn’t by making fun of something they can’t change or something that they might feel self-conscious about. Be silly, be self-deprecating, and laugh. Laughter draws us all closer together.


The post Why People Like Those Who Know How To Joke About Themselves appeared first on Lifehack.

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