
Exclusive - Man Wearing a T-Rex Costume Teases Huge Alligator! What Happens Next Is Really Unexpected!

In a video posted on YouTube, a man in a huge T-Rex costume was seen taunting a 500-pound alligator with fish. 

35-year-old Jason McDonald, a ranger at the Colorado Gators Reptile Park, was filmed waving fishes at a huge alligator.

Many netizens reacted by expressing outrage and claiming that the man was acting stupid. In his defense, McDonald clarified that, contrary to what people thought, he was only making the gator work for its food. 

McDonald explained by describing Morris as “chunky.” According to the ranger, "I know it looks like we are teasing him, but he's a chunky alligator so we make him work for his food to burn some calories."

"I was feeling nervous and it's not very easy to see in the costume because it gets foggy from breathing on it," he added.

Fortunately, the gator was used to interacting with humans. Morris the Alligator is apparently a celebrity. He starred in Dr. Doolittle and Happy Gilmore.

"It's insanely hard to feed the gators in it- you can't see very well and I can't extend my arm out all the way to get more distance," McDonald said.

"I have quick reflexes but if the gator was to come all the way out of the water and chase me I'd have a bad day," he added.


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