Exclusive - MUST READ: This Little Girl Needs Your Help!

As curious creatures, children have the tendency to wander away from their parents from time to time whenever they see anything interesting nearby. 

Some parents fail to remember that children must remain in their field of vision at all times whenever they are in public places

These days, we just don't know what could happen when we are outside. 

We hate to break it to you, but it is a well-known fact that the world is a dangerous place. Parents must always be responsible when it comes to looking after their children. 

If you still don't think the warnings above are good enough, then take it from the story we just stumbled upon today. 

Recently, photos of a little girl apparently lost in the streets of Quezon City went viral. 

The photos of the little girl were posted by a Facebook user named Brenda Quiseo Araneta, a woman who happened to encounter her by chance while walking around in Quezon City

MUST READ: This Little Girl Needs Your Help!

MUST READ: This Little Girl Needs Your Help!


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