Exclusive - MUST SEE! Here Are the World's Most Epic Fail Selfies By People Who Forgot What's Behind Them! #3 Is Extremely Weird!
Nowadays, people are taking more and more “selfies.”
They post pictures and share them on the internet in order to perhaps validate their own appearance or get the desired amount of ‘likes’ from people, most especially from their own “avid followers.”
In fact, it has become such a regular occurrence that people would often take selfies every minute of the day or whenever they are about to do something which they think is share-worthy.
Here is a compilation of what would probably be considered as some of the world’s worst selfies:
1. The photobombing dog
See that dog behind them? It’s obviously vying for attention—and not in a good way.
2. Check out that grandma
Or mom, whoever she is. Imagine the embarrassment of that.
3. Whatever happened to that dog?
This is obviously more of an “epic fail” than the previous dog picture. Aren’t you scared of its eyes? Look at it.
4. See that guy?
The girl’s smile is appreciated but you don’t need to see that man in the background now, do you?
5. Groufie, anyone?
Or whatever you call it. But when you see beyond those series of faces, you’ll regret looking in the mirror in the first place.
6. And when parents photobomb for no reason at all
Like this dad, who doesn’t really need to show the world his chest.
7. This is why you shouldn’t take selfies in front of mirrors
That probably explains it all. Again, epic fail.
8. And this supposedly “traffic” selfie
Know those people who take pictures of themselves while driving? No, it’s not cool.
What do you think? Perhaps it’s a reminder for you to be more careful of what you post and share on the internet.
Tell us your comments below!
Source: TNP, Elitereaders