
Exclusive - These Bugs Live in Your Bed and Harm Your Lungs and Back When You Sleep! Find out How to Kill Them Now!

As neat as we all are, we have to admit that there are certain days when making the bed in the morning upon getting up is at the bottom of our to do lists. 

With everyone's busy morning schedules, it is easy to admit being guilty of this and justifying it. However, do you know that your neat bed could be the home of millions of dust mites that are trapped in your sheets?

According to medical experts, an average person sweats up to about a liter of fluid at night? Because of this, although unintentional, we may have made the perfect home for dust mites out of our sweat and dead skin cells. While we sleep, we are unconsciously creating the perfect breeding environment those little creatures need.

Although the existence of the dust mites are not really problematic says experts, what they leave behind is. Experts say the waste of these pests are a threat to human health once inhaled.

Cleaning lab director at the Good Housekeeping Institute (GHI) Carolyn Forte suggests that people leave their beds unmade in the morning when given a chance. Forte insisted that not cleaning the bed on the morning allows the night sweats on the bed to dry.

However, she recommended doing it a while after breakfast. Exposing dust mites to fresh air and light for a couple of hours dehydrates them and eventually kills them.

What do you think of her suggestion? Have you been doing this? Share your thoughts with us on the comments section!
Source: TNP, Danified
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