Exclusive - This Little Girl Turned Away Her Biological Parents to Do This to Her Adoptive Father on Her Own! This Will Make You Cry!
They say that blood is thicker than water. This means that family ties are more meaningful than all the other relationships we make in our lifetime. Although for some, this isn’t entirely true. There are people who you call your family but are not necessarily related to you by blood. Take for example adopted children. Legally speaking, they are related with the family who adopted them though in biological terms, they are still not connected with them by blood.
However, no matter what science says, the love an adopted child feels towards her legal parents is solid and would not break no matter what the situation is.
A story of an adopted little girl has been the talk of the internet recently as she allegedly denied to come with her biological parents in order to take care of her sick adoptive father.
In a Chinese website where the story originated, a young girl named Xiao Qi insisted to stay with her crippled adoptive father despite meeting her real parents.
According to the story, she was abandoned by her biological parents in a hospital several years ago. A farmer named Zheng coincidentally was in the same hospital to take care of his wife who had a miscarriage. Zheng thought of adopting the orphaned baby girl and take her as their own child since they lost theirs.
Unfortunately, Zheng suffered from high blood pressure last 2010which triggered other ailments, one of which left him completely paralyzed from the waist down. This left him to live the rest of his life stuck on a wheel chair.
Because Zheng could not provide for his family anymore, his wife left him under the care and supervision of Zheng’s mother and the little Xiao Qi.
Another unfortunate event happened in 2015 when Zheng’s mother died at the age of 90 leaving him with only Xiao Qi to take care of him.
One day, Xiao Qi’s real parents suddenly came back for her and offered to give her a better life. Wise 11-year-old Xiao Qi refused because she wants to take care of Zheng as a way to pay him back.
Things continued to spiral further downwards when they found out that when Xiao Qi was adopted, Zheng wasn’t able to accomplish all the other necessary paperworks to complete her adoption. This means that Xiao Qi is stateless and would not be able to live like a normal Chinese citizen.
Good thing local reporters were able to get a hold of her story in order to help her. When the local government heard the news about Xiao Qi’s life, they decided to assist them not only financially but also to help her fix the paperwork to make her adoption legal.
It’s good that things suddenly turned around for them afterwards. Xiao Qi even received money from a fund-raising campaign for her college studies.
Meanwhile, she and her father Zheng also received a new and better home to live in.
Here are pictures of both Xiao Qi and Zheng:
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