[Healthy Advice] Boiled Egg Diet – You Can Lose 11 Kg in Just 14 Days!

If you want fast results for the weight, boiled eggs are the perfect food. Just few eggs, some veggies and some citric fruits are making this diet complete. It will speed up the metabolism and burn the fat. Also, you won’t feel hungry all the time.

You MUST have lots of water to hydrate and nourish the body and also detox more easily. Have 8 glasses per day, and it may sound like a lot but it is the best dose. If you ask yourself why you feel hungry all the time it is because you lack water. Drink up! You will be in good shape, have energy and crave foods less. Water drinking means less hunger of ‘boredom’.

This diet has simple rules. You do NOT eat junk food like sweets and burgers. Limit salt and sugar as much as you can and sodas/alcohol too. You can even lose 11 kg in 14 days and the weight does not come back!

This is the 2 week menu:

Week 1


2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit too.
Lunch: 2 slices whole meal bread and some fruit.
Dinner: big serving salad and chicken.


Breakfast: 1 citric fruit and also 2 eggs boiled.
Lunch: salad of green veggies and chicken.
Dinner: veggie salad, 1 orange and 2 boiled eggs.


Breakfast: 1 citrus fruit and again, 2 boiled eggs.
Lunch: low fat cheese, 1 tomato and 1 slice whole meal bread type.
Dinner: salad and chicken.


Breakfast: 2 eggs, boiled, and 1 citric fruit.
Lunch: fruit.
Dinner: salad and steamed chicken.


Breakfast: as the day before.
Lunch: steamed veggies and 2 eggs.
Dinner: salad and barbeque or fish.


Breakfast: as the day before.
Lunch: fruit.
Dinner: steamed chicken and veggies.


Breakfast: 1 citric fruit and 2 eggs boiled.
Lunch: tomato salad, steamed veggies and chicken.
Dinner: steamed veggies.

Week 2


Breakfast: 2 eggs + citric fruit.
Lunch: salad + chicken.
Dinner: 1 orange, salad and 2 eggs


Breakfast: as the day before.
Lunch: 2 eggs + steamed veggies.
Dinner: salad, fish or barbeque.


Breakfast: as the day before.
Lunch: salad + chicken.
Dinner: 1 orange + veggie salad + 2 eggs.


Breakfast: as the day before.
Lunch: steamed veggies + low fat cheese + 2 eggs.
Dinner: salad + steamed chicken


Breakfast: as the day before.
Lunch: tuna salad.
Dinner: salad + 2 eggs


Breakfast: as the day before.
Lunch: salad and chicken too.
Dinner: fruit.


Breakfast: as so far again.
Lunch: steamed veggies + steamed chicken.
Dinner: as the lunch.

You see that this diet has no carbs almost and that is why you need doctor consult before starting it. The menu is repetitive and simple. And for even better results, include workouts at least half an hour per day.

Online Health Society
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