[Healthy Advice] Bowel Cancer Is Massively Rising Among Millennials: But Don’t Trust The Cancer Establishment

According to a paper published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, bowel cancer (colorectal cancer) is rising in young people when it was previously a “disease of the elderly,”and a declining form of cancer.

Headlines about this read:
Colorectal Cancer Rates Are Rising Sharply Among Young Americans” – and doctors don’t know why
Millennial bowel cancer crisis: Young people are four times more likely to develop the disease than previous generations – due to their terrible diets
People in comment sections represent a public opinion that suspects rising cancer rates are linked to chemicals in food and water, genetically modified foods, to poor diet, and things of that nature.

In contrast, institutions and their researchers who say they are fighting cancer have a bad track record when it comes to recognizing carcinogens, and in recent years they have claimed many different cancers are caused by viruses.

While some cancers are caused by viruses, it’s a difficult thing to comprehend and debate, and the medical establishment has exaggerated this link for their own benefit.

According to a paper published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, bowel cancer (colorectal cancer) is rising in young people when it was previously a “disease of the elderly,”and a declining form of cancer.

This paper on rising bowel cancer in young people doesn’t elaborate much on what could actually be causing it. It says:
“Established lifestyle factors associated with CRC include excess body weight, high consumption of processed meat and alcohol, low levels of physical activity and fiber consumption, and cigarette smoking (23,24). The rise in CRC in young adults has likely been attenuated by long-term declines in alcohol consumption and smoking (25), but fueled by increases in cumulative exposure to excess body fat, which have been demonstrated by studies of obesity trends by birth cohort (26).”
The key word here is “established” lifestyle factors. Researchers from this established institution prefer to focus on cancer causes that advance their agenda .

Dr. Mohamed E. Salem, an assistant professor at Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University said: “The honest truth is nobody knows 100 percent why there is an increase.”

Rebecca Siegel is the lead author of the report and an epidemiologist with the American Cancer Society.

The bias isn’t hard to see. For example, in the same breath as discussing this study, Rebecca Siegel subtly warned of cervical cancer as a threat, while ignoring the fact that the HPV vaccine is associated with at least as many adverse events as deaths from cervical cancer. She promotes the vaccine.

People like Rebecca Siegel come with strings attached to their institutions, such as the American Cancer Society, and for reasons such as this they end up ignoring the most important, demonstrably effective treatments to cancer (cannabis oil, B17, prevention on the first place).

If you research Rebecca Siegel further, you’ll find she is promoting vaccines against viruses that cause cancer first, in place of promoting the avoidance of bad chemicals.

According to a paper published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, bowel cancer (colorectal cancer) is rising in young people when it was previously a “disease of the elderly,”and a declining form of cancer.

In another paper she co-authored, she cites vaccination first as a way to prevent liver cancer:
“The primary causes of liver cancer can be prevented through public health measures, including vaccination, sanitary medical practices, healthy lifestyle choices, and environmental management strategies. A vaccine that protects against HBV has been available since 1982. The WHO recommends that all countries include the HBV vaccine in routine infant immunization programs.”
While Hepatitis B certainly causes liver cancer, chemicals in food, carcinogens, and other factors are arguably more important than focusing on cancer causing viruses. The priority on these viruses seems to come from an interest to push vaccines.

Also… The Hepatitis B vaccine itself damages the liver. It is given to newborns and is linked to sudden death, today slyly called “SIDS” (sudden infant death syndrome).

In the same paper, she cites the notoriously dangerous HPV vaccine Gardasil/Cervarix as a necessary treatment to prevent cervical cancer. This vaccine has been thoroughly exposed to be one of the most dangerous on the market. The paper continued:
“There are 2 vaccines (Gardasil [Merck and Company, Whitehouse Station, NJ] and Cervarix [GlaxoSmithKline, Brentford, UK]) available for protection against the 2 types of HPV that cause most (70%) cervical cancers. In economically less developed countries, the major barrier to widespread use is the high cost of the vaccine; however, GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, has negotiated lower prices for these countries and began rolling out HPV vaccination demonstration projects in supported countries in 2013.”
One of the people involved with the approval of the HPV vaccine, Dr. Diane Harper, came out and admitted:
“The rate of serious adverse events on par with the death rate of cervical cancer. Gardasil has been associated with at least as many serious adverse events as there are deaths from cervical cancer developing each year.”
Literally thousands of people have been permanently injured or died immediately after receiving this HPV vaccine: those cases are documented in government VAERS vaccine injury reports, and they are only the reported ones.

So how can these researchers be respected?

It certainly appears that bowel cancer and several other cancers are rising, but these are the last people you want to trust when it comes to treating them.

The Mind Unleashed

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