Trending Now - 60+ Incredible Photos You Won’t Believe Are Not Photoshopped

Digital manipulation can do amazing things to your photographs (as seen here), but sometimes the most stunning images are the ones that haven’t been Photoshopped. Take a look at the pictures below to see what we mean.

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Compiled by Bored Panda, the list showcases some of the finest unaltered photographs we could find. Some of them are surreal, some are creepy, and some will positively blow your mind, and all of them serve to remind us that a good picture has nothing to do with your computer skills and everything to do with timing, location, and a keen eye for detail. Don’t forget to vote for the best!

Waterspout over Tampa Bay

Image credits: joecooool418

Duck Rabbit

Image credits: Error_UserNotFound

Urban Planning

Image credits: LeyendaV

Baby horse born with a patch that looks like another horse

Image credits: Jidoen

My friend works as a firefighter in Monterey, California. This is what they were dealing with yesterday.

Image credits: konvictkarl

These dogs blend right in

Image credits: jamaicanmekaseyXoXo

Looks like one of the buildings is draining energy from the other

Image credits: Avian81

Portal Mirrors

Image credits: SmileyFace-_-

I kinda created a sandbear when I crashed into the sand

Image credits:

Lava that formed to look like a pile of bodies being sucked into the fiery void of hell

Image credits: Reddit__PI

This is a single photo

Image credits: GOOFYGOOBER123

Hermit crab using a skull for a shell

Image credits: GallowBoob

levels of sunset

Image credits: indomiechef

Doorway to Heaven

Image credits: sortino

The Irtysh river in Russia froze over in an interesting pattern…

Image credits: Fezdani

Yosemite Firefall. It’s actually not lava but a ray of sunlight. this only happens for 1-2 weeks near the end of February if there is enough snow and semi clear sunset. It only last for 10mins or less

Image credits:

New York City just witnessed an absolutely massive lightning strike completely spanning the Hudson River. I happened to have my camera set up to capture it.

Image credits: evoxio

Traffic Light Long Exposure

Image credits: dittidot

Glowing Base Of Tree Made By Arranging Leaves

Image credits: Noerdy

The fire happening now in California’s Lake Isabella area

Image credits: KevlarYarmulke

Winter minimalism

Image credits: Flatag

Train station in Denmark

Image credits: onlysame1

Extreme waves in the North Sea

Image credits: Morksky

The thousandth of a second

Image credits: hicho

Don’t know why I find this so appealing

Image credits: BigGuyClub

My coworker had this picture taken at a Dodge Charger meet-up he helped organize.

Image credits: Ghawblin

Confusing perspective

Image credits: ArkadiusBear

Rare Image of where Donald Trump grows his hair, Tromsu00f8, Norway

Image credits: SmileyFace-_-

This is a weird-looking rabbit

Image credits: PMME-YOUR-TITS-GIRL

wheat field next to a lavender field

Image credits: sivribiber

Power washed building in New York

Image credits: UnclePhilWasMyFather

My friend who’s a firebreather asked me to get photos of her in her wedding gown.

Image credits: i_just_wanna_learn_

Microburst in Phoenix. Photo taken by a news helicopter

Image credits: ImitationFire

Maple Ridge in Japan

Image credits: alkamo

An epoxy resin floor

Image credits: Palana

I put some fireflies in a jar and did a long exposure for 3 minutes. (dont worry I let them go)

Image credits: Greghogan

Amazing photograph of a plane

Image credits: ChazDoge

Shiva The Destroyer

Image credits: signuptopostthis

14 Wind Turbines Lined Up, Nevada

Image credits: spicedpumpkins

Sky that looks like a rough sea

Image credits: lilyrosecooper

Antarctica, 4 shades of blue

Image credits: safakooze

The alien invasion has begun! (or I left the shutter open while a police helicopter searched for a fugitive)

Image credits: Senorwest

I accidentally boarded a flight to a different dimension.

Image credits: mitchellroth

Out of body experience

Image credits: olin_2

Took this shot through the windshield of my car (at a stop sign) but I had to get this picture!

Image credits: fortheloveofglen

A Crack in the Earth

Image credits: ClosingDownSummer

“How was school today?” “Pretty cool, we learned how to summon a demon in chemistry today”

Image credits: DailyReminder

A gate at a Balinese temple

Image credits: TopdeBotton

The Pit, a dive site in Tulum, Mexico

Image credits: somegetit

Spiral pine

Image credits: Lobo2ffs

Devil’s Bridge, Germany

Image credits: hinklefinkledinkledo

A hotel in the Netherlands

Image credits: TopdeBotton

Asperatus Clouds over New Zealand.

Image credits: sidhantsv

The eruption of Mount Ararat

Image credits: flappytowel

A giant lava bubble releasing volcanic glass in the air

Image credits:

You had one job.And you did it awesomely.

Image credits: ehsan_naughty

You had one job.And you did it awesomely.

Image credits: iMe23

Show me what you got

Image credits:

Was playing around with my camera and some broken glass, and I captured this. (OC)

Image credits:

Every 10,000 miles of driving or so, I get to see something like this.

Image credits: chakalakasp

Sun curling up a wave

Image credits:

New photo from Gaza today looks like actual hell on earth

Image credits: jjlew080

This Snowflake Center looks like the Star Wars Imperial Crest

Image credits: spicedpumpkins

Neighborhoods Santosh Park and Uttam Nagar, Delhi, India

Image credits: aloofloofah

Picture i took last night of the Philadelphia City hall, felt like i was in Gotham

Image credits: Hawke45

Under A Wave

Image credits: TRON-ALIVE

A true gentlemoon


ITAP of a Man in Mask

Image credits: Pneub

Maha Nakhon, Bangkok’s newest tallest skyscraper

Image credits: NicolasHuskar

The sunset under the clouds.

Image credits: hicho

This sunflower doesn’t want to face East

Image credits:

This ship looks like it’s floating in the sky

Image credits: bosox52434

This cloud looks like a breaking wave

Image credits: ernestpwningway

Inverted icicles – flipped a drainage pit grate at work

Image credits:

Canadian Diamond Mines

Image credits: Savetheworld69

The way this ice froze.

Image credits: Burtonium

So, what does THIS mean?

Image credits: PajamaStripes

Welcome to September

Image credits: -coolcoolcool-

These roots grew around the sidewalk blocks

Image credits:

I took a picture of a lizard on a window, it looks like a massive killer lizard on the garage.

Image credits:

Looks like one of our volcanos decided to wake up tonight. Villarica Volcano in Chile

Image credits: schmick

Fires and tornadoes aren’t bad enough on their own

Image credits:

The Crooked forest


Bent rail tracks after a New Zealand earthquake.

Image credits:

Perfect red line in a Hungarian forest marking the high point of a toxic aluminum sludge spill

Image credits: BullyPulpit

The highlight of my visit to Schonbrunn

Image credits: AthensFinest

Hutt Lagoon

Image credits: Greenantphoto

Methane bubbles, Abraham Lake

Image credits: Emmanuel Coupe-Kalomiris

New York

Image credits: Francois Mbuya

Fishermen row a boat in the algae-filled Chaohu Lake, China

Image credits: loki010

Lava skull descending into the ocean

Image credits: shikodo


Image credits: TheCannon

Spider web trees

Image credits: Russell Watkins

Heart-Shaped branches

Image credits: 06photo

Lake Natron, Tanzania

Image credits: Derejeb

Salar De Uyuni, The World’s Largest Salt Flat In Bolivia

Boat Looks Like It’s Floating In The Air

Image credits: Domenico Formichella

Zhangye Danxia Landform In Gansu, China

Image credits:

Lenticular Clouds

Image credits: Brian Middleton

Frozen Pond In Switzerland

Image credits: dartai

Burned-Out Utility Pole

Image credits: Игорь Подгорный

Model Anja Rubik in a dress from Viktor & Rolf 2010 Spring/Summer show

A Pile Of Timber Reflecting In A Puddle

Image credits: florian schaller

Sky’s reflection looks like a portal

Image credits: Andrey Mikhailov

It’s a perfect watermelon

Image credits: Ivaligicaw

Morning storm

Image credits: LOMYCH

Inside an acoustic guitar

Image credits: simonbook

Snow in Altai

Image credits: Olga Skutina

Looking up in Hong Kong

Image credits: affrod

The artists’ academy

Image credits: Ivan Turukhano

The Chinese Art of the Crowd

Image credits: Feng Li

The road that stopped the fire

Image credits: Evgeniy Green

Fly me to the moon

Image credits: Sebastien Lebrigand

Fly me to the moon

Image credits: Sebastien Lebrigand

Fly me to the moon

Image credits: Sebastien Lebrigand

Thunderstorm formation — view from a plane from 11,000 meters

Image credits: Santiago Borja

A turtle covered in algae

Image credits: letu

Thor appears in Novorossiysk

Image credits: Egor Nikiforov

Shining mountain

Image credits: Jim Pankey

Incredible Rocket Photos, Huh? Yeah, a 16-Year-Old Took Them

Image credits: picmax

soldiers on a morning exercise in sub-zero temperatures in Chinese province Heilongjiang

Image credits: widelec

A rock created bird shaped window art on my car.

Image credits: AshlynnMartell

border between Italy and Switzerland

Image credits: lacasadelcurioso

How rain looks through a porthole

Image credits:

under the icebergs

Image credits: imgwykop

The Firefall in Yosemite

Image credits: rebrn

Red sky

Image credits:

Mermaid Saho Harada

Image credits: Kurt Arrigo

Pancake ice

Image credits: Igor Podgorny

Solar eclipse in Canyon

Image credits: Michael Menefee


Image credits: Yutaka Kagaya

The Alaskan Tree frog freezes solid in the winter, stopping it’s heart completely, and then unthaws in the spring.

Image credits:

This tree grew around a stone sculpture of a face, making it appear as if there is a green man trapped inside.

Image credits: Perfectony

LA Interchange

Image credits: moomoosnake

This is one picture…

Image credits: Bela Borsodi

Wisconsin this week

Image credits: spudtree

Dust storm in Australia, 2013

Image credits: Brett Martin

This insane structure is actually the facade of the largest building in Southeast Asia, the State Tower in Bangkok

Image credits: Renato Greco

This picture of Sutro Tower in San Francisco makes it look like the top of the Flying Dutchman’s floating ship

Image credits:

Burj Al moon

Image credits: Mo Aoun

Burning man close-up

Image credits:

Chasing sunrise

Image credits:

China’s Richest Village

Image credits: Guts-Blow

1,400 year old ginkgo tree drops a carpet of golden leaves within the walls of the Gu Guanyin Buddhist Temple in the Zhongnan Mountains in China

Image credits: KermitTheSnail

Camouflaged Shoes at the Discount Store Today!

Image credits: TWrox

Square cloud

Image credits: musicforthedeaf

Flickering Beauty

Image credits: Jiryn

Burn pattern from downed electrical line

Image credits: bluefoot55

Eruption of the Cordon Caulle, Chile. This was taken from Antillanca mountain

Image credits: Rival Gustavo

Lone tree in the snow waves of Jasper National Park, Alberta

Image credits: Victor Liu

sheep going through San Boldo Pass, Italy

Image credits: giancarlo rado

Smog over Almaty, Kazakhstan

Image credits: Igors Jefimovs

Desaturated Santa

Image credits: Brody S

The gradient in this coffee

Image credits: TTKB

Japanese Flower Phi at its finest

Image credits: Prost68

This spectrum reflected off the dining room window through a chair back

Image credits: skiboy53

Aurora Uncoiling

Image credits: David Cartier, Sr

Once in a lifetime cloud formation near Cartagena, Colombia

Image credits: Juan C Osorio

Perfect Forest

rare cloud phenomenon over eastern Victoria, Australia

Image credits:

Mammatus clouds

Image credits: Jason Weingart

Found this chili with a perfect “mild to hot” gradient

Image credits: petriomelony

These piles of spice at a market in Marrakesh

Image credits: Crow-in-the-Snow

Square cloud

Image credits: musicforthedeaf

Cool ice effect after flood

Image credits: Willyyz

Shining through

Image credits: likk

A pole holding a mountain

Image credits: Denis Cherim

A surfer and a rainbow

Image credits: Zak Noyle

A “tsunami of fog clouds” rolls over a row of condos in Panama City Beach

Image credits: J.R. Hott

Light Pillars In Northern Ontario

Image credits: Timothy Joseph Elzinga

NYC, 1995

Image credits: idogu

Shadow Photography

Image credits: Alexei Bednij

Shadow Photography

Image credits: Alexey Menschikov

The edge of an iceberg floating just off the coast of Antarctica

Image credits: Mike Matas

Mont Aiguille et Chichilianne

Image credits: Erwann Fourmond

The Gulf Of Alaska, where two oceans meet but do not mix

Shelf cloud north of Kearney

Image credits: Ryan McGinnis

snail riding a baby turtle

Image credits: struky

snow pattern

Image credits: OCDthings

Waterspout over Tampa Bay

Image credits:

Fish Trapped Inside A Jellyfish

Image credits: Tim Samuel

Africa’s Super Park

Image credits: Frans Lanting

Little Bay Islands, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Image credits: Dan Rumbolt

Seven Ghosts in Indonesia

Image credits: Lawrence

This iceberg looks like Batman

Image credits: eightbitlincoln

This bathroom has red toilet paper

Image credits: anonymous-shad0w

Sculpture designed in New Zealand that looks almost like a cartoon

Image credits: Phonedojo

This butterfly has a number on its wing

Image credits: wubbelschwupp

This guy at the park looks like NO

Image credits: Fergi

The opening of this sock looks like a mouth

Image credits: azoerb

Inside a guitar

Image credits: gingerage108

Ladybower is a beautiful y-shaped reservoir on river Derwent situated between the hills of the Peak District national park

Image credits: Vaidotas Mišeikis

I washed my car

Image credits: cday119

Goats on argan tree in Morocco

Image credits: Francis Naef

This fallen tree is holding back the duckweed

Image credits: TheTobyrobot

The camera focused on the reflection of the tree instead of the watch

Image credits: GiveMeYourGuitar

This thin streak of snow across Ohio

Image credits: Elementalillness


Image credits: Diego

I took this photo of a reflection in a puddle and the gravel looks like a starry night sky

Image credits: LucyDreads

To See Flower In Water Drop

Image credits: Miki Asai

Dispensed some dark green paint into a gallon and made a perfect tear drop.

Image credits: KnocksQuietly

Slow Motion

This Watusi bull looks transparent through its spots

Image credits: mySTi666

freezing cold with nice aurora

Image credits: John A Hemmingsen

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