Trending Now - I’m A Dog Photographer Who Specializes In Derpy Expressions

It was a fluke. I was in my studio hanging out after a portrait session, and my ex-gf’s dog was hanging out on the backdrop. I said, “let’s take photos of Frankenstein”.

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Millions of views overnight. I started Off Leash Studio. I’ve been shooting for just over a year now and I’ve never had more fun in my life. I was once attacked by 8 one-month-old puppies. Life can’t get any better.

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I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

I’m a dog photographer who specializes in DERPY Expressions

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