
Trending Now - Man Collects Bottle Caps For 5 Years To Redo His Kitchen

One guy designed and built a custom bottle cap bar top that would become the centerpiece of any room.

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He and his friends and family saved 2,530 beer caps over 5 years specifically for this project. The caps belong to domestic, craft, and import drinks.

“The initial concept was to lay out an image comprised of bottle caps,” he said. “Then reality set in and we opted for the much easier gradient effect.” The selected sequence is called ROYGBIV (a sequence of hues, commonly described as making up a rainbow: rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet).

It took at least 4 hours and several restarts to get the desired pattern. “Initially I was being pretty anal about cap alignment, color disbursement etc. In the end, we decided to introduce entropy and New Holland’s Dragon’s Milk, which I feel was the secret ingredient.” Everything was then covered with 5 layers of epoxy resin and voila! A perfect conversation starter for any indoor party.

More info: Imgur

One creative man decided to redo his kitchen, making its countertop the most impressive feature

He and his friends and family collected 2,530 caps over the course of 5 years to make it happen

The production started with sorting out the caps by hue: “Basically tried to bucket them into ROYGBIV,” he explained

“Two large pieces of quality 5/8″ plywood form the base. The rails are 1 1/2″ poplar and were notched with a table saw and hand routed”

“Painted matte black with several cans of Rustoleum. The finish does not have to be perfect since it will be covered in epoxy”

“[But] it needs to be as close to perfectly level as possible, otherwise, the epoxy resin will “pool” in low spots”

“The initial concept was to lay out an image comprised of bottle caps, then reality set in and we opted for the much easier gradient effect”


“This is <…> resin, which fills any available airspace. It was better to just pour the resin slowly making thin layers, not thick enough to cover the caps”


“It took ~5 layers to thoroughly cover the caps”

“Visually, we felt it would be more interesting dispersing various caps to add pops of color”

“Here you can see how we laid them out allowing the caps to “flow” into each other, rather than having hard color stops”

“I am so proud of this project. It is a real conversation piece and we did it together, true DIY”

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