
Trending Now - This Stray Cat Snuck Into A Nursing Home, And Decided To Begin Working There

Meet Oreo, the cat who somehow found her way into a nursing home – and decided to work there. “She’s like the family here. She helps the residents, she helps the employees, and we just love her,” said Carmen Delgado, receptionist of St. Augustine Health Ministries in Cleveland, Ohio.

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Everyone appreciates the kitty’s presence. “Most of the people we serve here had pets… so to have Oreo here, for them to be able to come out and pet the cat and see how the cat is doing… it brings… those feelings of home,” Dana Carns, director of advancement, said.

“I’m always getting pictures, even on the weekends or at night that the staff are taking. ‘Oh look, Oreo is at the reception desk, answering the phone, because it’s after hours’, or ‘she’s sitting on a bench with a resident who’s waiting for her ride.'”

“I think it just brings a lot of laughter, a lot of smiles, and a lot of just normalcy.”

More info: St. Augustine Health MinistriesFacebook (h/t: lovemeow)

Meet Oreo, the stray cat who somehow found her way into a nursing home – and decided to work there


“She’s like the family here. She helps the residents, she helps the employees, and we just love her”


“Most of the people we serve here had pets… so to have Oreo here… to be able to come out and pet the cat…”


“And see how the cat is doing… it brings… those feelings of home”


“Oh look, Oreo is at the reception desk, answering the phone, because it’s after hours…”


“I think it just brings a lot of laughter, a lot of smiles, and a lot of just normalcy”


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