
Viral Now - These Ideas Are Categorised As "What Seems Awesome Until You Tried it", by Over 1000 Reddit Users Around The World

Have you dreamed of saving a budget to travel around the world and never coming back? Is the fantasy of completing a full marathon race in a year in your to-do list? We all have this kind of fantasies in getting things we long for and think that “this idea will be awesome!”. Until you tried it, however, you wish you never asked for it.

A Reedit user has recently asked a question “What seems awesome until you try it?” and over four thousands replies were received within several hours. [1]

Based on the replies, we have listed out some of the common things they regret doing.

1. “Having a relationship with your best friend; afterwards you’re left single and friendless.” – unknown

It’s a bitter-sweet thing when your partner is your best friend. The story seems beautiful when two of the most important people life have become one. But just like when the user said, if this relationship comes to an end, you will lose both a lover and a best friend.

So what to do if you want to date your best friend but no ruining the friendship?

Always remember to offer openness to communication since it is foregrounded in all relationships, no matter friends or lovers. Listen to the partner’s needs and express your own thoughts to him/her. Never take his/her understanding for granted, just because you guys are best friend.

2. “Having a job that requires you to travel a lot. The movies make it look nice but really, you just spend your time in airports, planes, taxis and meeting rooms, eating shit food while you’re at it.”- Yedd514

Most people want to leave their hometowns to explore the world. A job abroad may be a dream to many, since this provides opportunities for you to have a crack at new stuff and new people.

Working abroad is very different from travelling, the time you have to visit a museum or get a local dish is limited. You have to get used to the new environment, getting to know your new colleagues and be familiar with the new working style and culture. There might not be much time left for you to explore the beauty of the city.

Before thinking which places you like to work at, consider if the job really suits you. If you prefer dining with family and shopping with buddies, this might not be the best job for you.

3. Owning a luxury car as a poor person.- porcupinee

A person who doesn’t earn enough for a living wants to buy a luxury car. This is just an example. A lot of people work very hard and save money in order to purchase a branded handbag or a multi-functional watch. You may find satisfaction that a better meal cannot give you. But how long does the happiness last for?

People look for instant pleasure in materialistic pursuit but forget that the hype doesn’t stay long. Regret often comes after some time because you know there were better options.

Sometimes we have to be more practical with the choice we make, and long-term usefulness or happiness is what we should look for.

4. Not working or educating yourself. It seems like unlimited freedom.- JakeBit

Freedom is a big word we all want in life, from school, work or people. We visualise a lot of happy moments when we can quit from work or school and do whatever we want. It may be a paradise at the beginning, but soon you know it is not.

Imagine yourself sitting on the sofa sipping coffee and watching TV, what are you living for? Do you really want your life to stay in this state? We all need life goals. It is important to keep learning because we find our passion through reading and working in different fields. Through learning, you will understand yourself more, whether you like calculations or if you suit better in the creative industry. Once you find your interest, you will have freedom since you are into the work you are passionate about.

5. Buying and eating a lot of snacks without consideration just to kill sadness.- abrasionshack

What is your way to overcome depression? A common answer: food. Quite a lot of people try to treat themselves better in misery by consuming a variety of snacks. My friend who believes in endorphins from sweets once ate three bars of chocolates and an extra pack of candies in one single night. On the next day, she was still upset, and got a stomachache.

The instant relief by eating does not remove your sadness. The ongoing consumption will even lead to the result of weight gaining and stomachache. To be truly happy, you need to face and fix the problem. It’s fine if you want to get a chocolate bar today because you are sad.

After that, it’s time to think about the source of the problem, find ways, kick it out, and you will no longer need the extra fat.


The post These Ideas Are Categorised As “What Seems Awesome Until You Tried it”, by Over 1000 Reddit Users Around The World appeared first on Lifehack.

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