Viral Now - To Persuade People, The Key Is To Make Them Feel Good
Have you ever felt it hard to get someone to believe you, or do something that you want them to do? Whether in selling something or just winning friendships, we all need to have skills to persuade another person. You could use it in little things, such as in getting a discount from the market, or landing a major business deal. Follow the three tips below and you will surely be more persuasive.
1. Do not forget to mention the other person’s name.
Mentioning the name of the person that you are talking to always makes the other person feel that you are sincere and that you do pay attention. An example is:
A: How was your trip to Cancun, Griselda?
B: It was very good, thank you!
A: That is great? Griselda, can you give me some recommendations on what to visit in Cancun if I go?
B: Of course I can! Thank you for asking!
2. Leave the decision to them.
When I bought my first car, there was a lady that talked to me in her office and was selling extended car repair insurance and life/accident insurance. After she stated all the facts and information about the product, I found myself saying yes to her. I was baffled because I just agreed to spend more money after putting out a downpayment for my car.
What made me say yes to this additional charge? Because the lady was not forceful and at the end of her spiel, she confidently said, “It is up to you, just let me know if you want it or not, and I can prepare the paperwork for you.”
No, she did not say, “You should get this insurance, blah, blah.” Instead, she left the decision making to me, the customer, and she only did her job in providing me with information and answering my questions. She m are me feel that I was exercising my own freedom in making a personal decision without the influence of someone else. And that is a liberating feeling.
3. Let them know the “whys” to get them to follow instructions.
Nobody wants to be ordered by someone else on what to do, and that is why it is in reality hard to get other people to follow instructions. But if you tell them why – they are supposed to be doing what they need to be doing, then chances are higher that you will get them to follow instructions. This is because if the person knows the root and the effects of the action, they are more likely to follow to achieve the end result that could also be beneficial to them and to others.
If you want to pursuade others, you need to be open and not forceful. Gentleness, objecticity, transparency and open-mindedness go a long way when it comes to being a good negotiator.
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