Exclusive - Archeologists Restored This 1,100-year-old Mummy Wearing ‘Adidas Sneakers!

Who would have thought that a mummified body of a person which is already more than `1,000 years old would be known for its trendy footwear?

In April 2016, Mongolian archeologists discovered a medieval mummy which seemed to be wearing a fancy ‘Adidas sneakers’. Experts cleaned and restored the mummy which amazed many people around the world because of its fashion sense. With the cleaning process that it underwent, researchers revealed the intricate details of her fancy footwear.

Archeologists Restored This 1,100-year-old Mummy Wearing ‘Adidas Sneakers!

What many people thought was an ‘Adidas sneakers’ is actually a knee-high felt boots patterned with black-and-red stripes. Its uncanny similarity with a pair of an Adidas sneaker made it popular among many people around the world. It turned out that the leather boots also featured a pair of leather soles and decorative buckles. 

The Siberian Times reported that Galbadrakh Enkhbat, director of the Centre of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia explained that the mummy’s "modernity" made it more interesting.

Archeologists Restored This 1,100-year-old Mummy Wearing ‘Adidas Sneakers!

““With these stripes, when the find was made public, they were dubbed as similar to Adidas shoes with the three stripes. In this sense, they are an interesting object of study for ethnographers, especially so when the style is very modern.”

Archeologists Restored This 1,100-year-old Mummy Wearing ‘Adidas Sneakers!

The Centre of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia restored this mummified body which is revealed to be a Turkic female seamstress who died in the Altai mountains of Mongolia. Her discoverers thought that she was 1,500 years old but further examination reported that she died 1,100 years ago. They also found out that she possibly lost her life because of  a severe blow to the head based on a severe trauma present in her skull. The Mongolian research team is ready to conduct further DNA tests and radiocarbon exams to get more information about her way of life when she was still alive.

The research team also discovered an ancient clutch bag, a fancy mirror and comb, a knife, a saddle and the remains of an entire horse along with the mummy. 

Archeologists Restored This 1,100-year-old Mummy Wearing ‘Adidas Sneakers!

What can you say about this ancient discovery? Do you think it is possible that she really had a highly-fashioned life before? Share us what you think in the comment section below.
Source: TNP, Elitereaders
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