Exclusive - Clash Of The Surnames: Netizens Battle Out In A Hilarious Surname War!
Who can actually forget the ‘surname wars’ that dominated the internet two years ago? It all started with a confession entry submitted to FEU Secret Files—and the rest is an epic history.
The entry was about a student who was complaining about her last name ‘Beech’ and hated it when her schoolmates call her by this surname of hers in public. Thousands of Facebook users who have the same dilemma commented and joked about their own last names until it the trend went nationwide. Admit it, it’s still funny as h*ll!
Meanwhile, the epic ‘Surname Wars’ just had its remake recently which, once again, drew a lot of attention on the web. The entertainment Facebook page Filipino Tweets That Matter challenged netizens by this statement: “How funny can your surname be?”
Notable comments were the ones who have last names of Quinain, Bonus, and Punginagina. Read on to find out more…and laugh as hard as you can!
What can you say about this version? Which do you think did it better? Share your idea with us!z
Source: Elitereaders