Exclusive - The Grieving Father of a Pregnant Woman Who Was Killed by a Drug Addict Is Asking Why People Value Addicts More Than Their Victims!

A grieving father aired out his sentiments after a drug-crazed murderer killed his four-months-pregnant daughter. 

According to Niño Piñero, his pregnant daughter Nikki Piñero was brutally stabbed near a resort in Siquijor last Sunday by 34-year-old Michael Añabesa Manayon. Mr. Piñero said that her daughter was trying to help 17-year-old Loreen Ramirez when she saw the suspect stabbing her. The suspect, who was under the influence of illegal drugs during that time, turned his anger towards Nikki and decided to stab her as well. 

Nikki Piñero 

Drug Addict Murders Pregnant Woman. Find out What the Father of the Victim Has to Say

Michael Añabesa Manayon

Drug Addict Murders Pregnant Woman. Find out What the Father of the Victim Has to Say

Reports say that Nikki was stabbed seven times which caused her immediate death. 


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