Exclusive - Look Here! A Heartless Man Kicks a Stray Dog - It Comes Back with Its Pack To Wreck the Man's Car!
Many people tend to underestimate the intelligence of our furry friends in the animal kingdom. Sure, most animals don’t have the capacity for what we humans can accomplish with our minds and hands.
But animals understand feelings like love or sadness – and apparently revenge.
In viral photos coming by way of China, a pack of dogs take their vengeance on a man’s car after he had kicked one of them.
Karma indeed!
According to a report by the Daily Mail, a man from Chongqing, China discovered that a stray dog had been lying down on his reserved parking space. Instead of shooing the dog away, this Chinese person decided to act like a jerk and kicked him off instead.
However, the dog didn’t forget this offense against him and came back moments later – with friends.
A neighbor arrived at the scene later and discovered that the pack of dogs was trashing the offending man’s car!
They chewed up the car’s metal fenders and windshield wipers!
The following morning the man was understandably upset upon seeing the sorry state of his car. His neighbor showed him the pictures so he knows exactly who to blame for this act of vandalism.
Serves you right for being rude, dude.
It’s rather amazing how human-like our canine friends can appear sometimes. To think this dog would remember the owner of the car and then wreck it just to get even.
In the report by Daily Mail, stray dogs are regularly taken from the streets and thrown into dog fights as a source of entertainment.
Unfortunately China has no laws protecting animals against cruelty. The only way a person can be prosecuted for animal cruelty is if the animal belongs to someone.
Even then it’s considered “damaging property” and not cruelty.
What do you think dear readers? Do you think the car owner deserved the dogs’ payback? Should there be stricter laws about animals in China? Let us hear your opinions in the comments section! Don’t forget to share this story on Facebook!
Source: TNP , elitereaders