Exclusive - LOOK: Viral Photo Of Police Dogs Patiently Waiting In Line For Food Shows They Are More Disciplined Than Some Humans!

Most of the time, animals are deemed less than humans because of their inability to understand. Of course, their cognitive functions are way different from humans. However, there are instances where these animals can also show outstanding cleverness, patience and discipline.

This photo below which circulated across the internet definitely amazed many netizens as they see how these dogs patiently waited in line for food. According to Elite Readers, the photo was taken inside a Chinese dog academy where canines are taught to have intense discipline for their jobs. 

The picture shows a remarkable level of ‘obedience and selfless patience’ as the dogs are wait in a perfectly straight line as they wait for a human to fill their food bowls.

LOOK: Viral Photo Of Police Dogs Patiently Waiting In Line For Food Shows They Are More Disciplined Than Some Humans!

Coincidentally, another picture with the same subject also surfaced on the internet. The photo was reported to have taken in Finland at around 1940. It can be seen that a long queue of patient patrol service dogs are waiting for their food with their bowls in their mouths. 

LOOK: Viral Photo Of Police Dogs Patiently Waiting In Line For Food Shows They Are More Disciplined Than Some Humans!

Police dogs need to have intense discipline as they do crucial jobs such as sniffing bombs or identifying illegal drugs. Their skills are needed for highly-specialized works which also includes some search-and-rescue operation. It is no wonder these canines need to learn how to obey and be patient. Unfortunately, these dogs show more discipline and obedience than some human beings.

What can you say about these amazing animals? Tell us what you think in the comment section!
Source: TNP, Elitereaders
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