Exclusive - MUST READ! This 80-Year-Old Requested Her Doctor to Stop Her Transfusion and Let Her Die! Find out the Reason Here!

They say that airports witness the sincerest kisses than wedding halls and hospitals hear more prayers than the church.

Wherever that quote came from, it sure proved to be true to this doctor, who encountered a patient who wanted to die because she wanted to be with her son.

MUST READ! This 80-Year-Old Requested Her Doctor to Stop Her Transfusion and Let Her Die! Find out the Reason Here!

Newsner reported the story of Italian doctor Marco Deplano, who attended to an 80-year-old woman in a hospital.

He is a urologist and was considered “young” for his profession but despite that fact, Deplano has seen his own shares of touching and heartbreaking moments that have happened within hospital walls. 

A urologist is someone who treats the surgical and medical diseases of a human’s urinary tract system and the male reproductive organs.

According to the source, Deplano was very much moved by his old patient that he decided to share his encounter on Facebook.

MUST READ! This 80-Year-Old Requested Her Doctor to Stop Her Transfusion and Let Her Die! Find out the Reason Here!

Read his post below: 

“Today I received a call to do a consultation in another department. The usual… It was about a patient with terminal cancer and renal insufficiency due to compression of the ureters.”

“The woman I met there was between 70 and 80, with carrot-orange hair and flawless pink fingernail polish.” 

- Good morning, Ma’am. 
- Good morning to you, Doctor.

“I looked in her file, did an examination, and repeated the ultrasound.”

- Ma’am, your kidneys are struggling: they can’t eliminate urine naturally anymore, so I will need to insert a tube, a kind of valve that bypasses the obstacles. So then you’ll pee into two tubes connected to two bags…
- Excuse me, Dr. That means I’ll have another pouch behind me too? 

Deplano indicated she had a colostomy, a type of surgical operation where a piece of the colon is diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall. This is to bypass a damaged part of the colon. 


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