Exclusive - Parents Of 13 Boys Promised Not to Stop Having Babies Until They Finally Have a Baby Girl!
Having a child is not easy for some couples. There are couples that were not granted with even one. So, lucky are those who were blessed to have children, like this couple in Concei ao de Coit in Brazil who were lucky enough with 13 sons. However, despite having 13 children already, the couple were not yet contented and vowed not to stop making babies until they finally got a baby girl.
Ireneu Cruz and wife Jucicleide Silva were granted to have 13 sons whose ages are between 18 years old for the eldest and 1 month old for the youngest. They continued trying to make babies hoping that they could have a young girl. Unfortunately, they also continued producing boys.
On her thirteenth pregnancy, Jucicleide’s hopes were high that what she was bearing was already their baby girl, but the midwife told them that it was still a boy. This meant trying one more time for the couple.
As per their agreement, Ireneu decided for the names of their boys and Jucicleide would decide for the name of their possible baby girl. According to experts, there was only one in eight thousand chance of producing thirteen consecutive boys which makes their family a distinctive one.
All boys’ names begin with the letter R: Robson, 18; Reinan, 17; Rauan, 15; Rubens, 14; Rivaldo, 13; Ruan, 12; Ramon, 10; Rincon, 9; Riquelme, 7; Ramires, 5; Railson, 3; and Rafael, 2, Ronaldo, 1 month.
Jucicleide is very much happy with how big her family is. She said there are instances that things get rough for them but nobody gets hungry. She is also proud that her boys are well-behaved.
How about you? Do you prefer having a baby girl or a baby boy?