Exclusive - Pinoy Netizens Shocked Over This Viral Shrimp Cleaning Video - You Won't Believe What This Black Vein Really Is! Nasty!

Shrimp is a delicious delicacy which can be prepared in so many different ways. Whether it’s barbequed, fried in butter, boiled in a ‘sinigang’ dish or simply steamed – shrimp is a tasty all around food.

One of the things that makes shrimp so appetizing is how easy it is to prepare the little things before cooking.

Many people of different cultures have taken to simply cut off the long antennas and wash the whole shellfish. Sounds easy, right?

However, many established chefs around the world would disagree with that. 

In fact, a viral video has shown the proper procedure in shrimp cleaning – which has many netizens surprised. 

Facebook page Ginalingan Eh shared the proper procedure of shrimp cleaning by showing a process known as ‘deveining.’

Deveining is basically the process by which chefs remove that long black string-looking organ located at the back of these shellfish.

That black thing on the shrimp’s back? That’s the abdominal tract. 

Yep you read that right.

If you’ve ever eaten shrimp with the black thing on still its back, then we have some bad news for you. You’ve been eating the shrimp and its waste.

Ugh, nasty! 

Eating the head of the shrimp is fine, but it’s fecal matter? Gross 

Naturally many netizens who hadn’t known this fact were completely shocked and disgusted when they found out! 

That’s why some restaurants who serve shrimp will always have the long abdominal tract completely removed before serving.

If you need tips on how to properly clean shrimp, and to avoid eating anymore waste, then watch the following viral video. 

This viral video managed to garner around 2.2M views, 3K reactions and 2.4 shares as of writing.

Did this article change the way you see shrimp? Would you still shrimp knowing that sometimes the black vein is present?

Let’s hear what you have to say in the comments section! Remember to share this video on Facebook!
Source: facebook

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