Exclusive - Richard Poon on Why He Decided to Support President Duterte: 'If one day you come FACE-TO-FACE WITH REAL EVIL, believe me, you will CALL DUTERTE for help!'
Singer/songwriter Richard Poon is one of the few stars who doesn’t really cause too much controversy in showbiz.
Despite his quiet nature, there are times when Poon breaks his silence in order to express his thoughts on certain issues.
One example is his comment on President Duterte’s way of governing Davao when he was still mayor of the city.
Poon was originally not a supporter of Pres. Duterte. However, he stated that his trips to Davao made him see what Pres. Duterte was really like.
In his blog post, he said:
Years ago, I was skeptical at Duterte. I heard rumors that he was a feared “berdugo”(executioner of criminals). Curfews at night. No smoking in certain areas, Liquor bans. Maximum 40 kph on the road???!!!
But unknowingly, my MANY TRIPS TO DAVAO to sing for many years OPENED UP CONVERSATIONS with the people there. I was shocked yet CURIOUSLY AMAZED that taxi drivers, ordinary employees LOVE & RESPECT him! In their own words, Duterte was THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the MANY ACCUSATIONS. Many say this is because the Mayor PROTECTED THEM FROM EVIL.
In my circles, most of the people who judge Duterte as an ill leader have NEVER BEEN TO DAVAO to witness his reforms first-hand. And if Duterte’s ways are really off, will not Davao and the surrounding Muslim world rebel and oust him even in earlier days?
I must admit, WITHOUT MY MANY CONVERSATIONS WITH PEOPLE FROM DAVAO, I would not realize who Duterte really is. So from my heart, thank you so much Davaoenos for showing me Duterte’s truth in real everyday life.
I am voting for Duterte because he DID IT IN THE MICRO(Davao). I saw him change what many(including myself)thought to be UNCHANGEABLE—-the corrupt system of governance.
So I will put my hopes and faith that Duterte will do THE SAME in the MACRO(whole Philippines). Even if he takes more than 6 months, I’ll still support him. Rather than ACCEPT THE STATUS QUO of governance, crime, corruption and drugs.
Isn’t it ironic that Duterte—-who has DRASTICALLY CHANGED the CROOKED SYSTEM in micro Davao—- is being trashed by some as a joke in favor of those WHO HAVE NOT SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGED CORRUPT GOVERNANCE? And some expect these people to run MACRO Philippines?
I have to give a clap for Duterte opponents trying to DISTORT him being a tough, fearless, disciplinarian father THAT DAVAO LOVES & RESPECTS into a tyrant who will take away your candy, be like Marcos, choke you into Martial Law, and kill a law-abiding citizen like yourself.
If one day you come FACE-TO-FACE WITH REAL EVIL(murder, rape, robbery), believe me, you will CALL DUTERTE for help.
As a closing remark, he urged people to support President Duterte during his campaign for the Presidency. We can assume his post helped out since Duterte is now President and his regime, for better or worse, is will probably forever alter the Philippines.
Were you also one of the people who voted for Duterte during the election? Do you think you made the right choice? Let us know below.
Source: TNP , Pinoytrending