Exclusive - They Say That If You Have This Line On Your Palm Then You Are Blessed With Good Fortune!

Palmistry’ or palm reading is the art of examining lines and other features of the palm to know a person’s character and foretell their future. 

They Say That If You Have This Line On Your Palm Then You Are Blessed With Good Fortune!

Many ancient civilizations have laid claims to inventing this practice – most notably India, China and Persia. 

They Say That If You Have This Line On Your Palm Then You Are Blessed With Good Fortune!

This specific line on a person’s palm, as alleged by practitioners of palm reading, is called the “angel line.” 

According to palm readers, people who have this line have a guarding angel watching over them. 

Because this is a rare wrinkle on a palm, it is said that the few people who have it are very lucky.

Supposedly, if you or someone you know has a line running parallel to the lifeline on the left palm, then you are blessed with good fortune.

They Say That If You Have This Line On Your Palm Then You Are Blessed With Good Fortune!

Naturally, we at TNP cannot validate how factual these perceived superstitions are. However, we can’t stop anyone curious enough to see what their future may hold in the palm of their hands.

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Source: TNP , Kami

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