Exclusive - This 21-Year-Old Mom Did Not Realize That Her Life Would Change Greatly After Taking This Photo!

There are times when no matter how cautious we are, tragedy would still happen unexpectedly because of some people who are irresponsible. 

21-year-old mother Destiny Mantia recalled how she faced the most painful part of her life which happened in 2014. She used her Facebook account to share her bitter tragedy and to raise awareness for the public as well.

According to her post, Destiny was once living a happy normal life with her husband, Corey Mantia and their 15-month-old son, Parker. It was just an ordinary night for them when they decided to leave home and travel for an appointment. Destiny thought that everything is just fine between them as she did not realize that her family life would vanish with just a snap of a finger.

Destiny did not expect that a car, whose driver was drunk, would crash with their vehicle with forceful impact. The incident took the life of little Parker who was staying in the backseat of the car. Destiny and Corey were airlifted from the crash scene, causing major injuries and lethal damages to Corey’s body. 24 hours later, Corey did not survive the physical damage brought on by the accident.

After the death of her son and husband, Destiny then claimed that she died as well. She lost her motivation and will to live. For Destiny, nothing was making sense anymore as she believed that she was too young to experience this kind of a painful tragedy.

This 21-Year-Old Mom Did Not Realize That Her Life Would Change Greatly After Taking This Photo!

This 21-Year-Old Mom Did Not Realize That Her Life Would Change Greatly After Taking This Photo!

This 21-Year-Old Mom Did Not Realize That Her Life Would Change Greatly After Taking This Photo!

What can you tell Destiny in order for her to cope with the trauma and depression the incident has brought to her? Share your answers in the comments section below.
Source: Facebook

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