Exclusive - This Farmer Make His Pigs Jump from 10-Feet Platform. Find Out Why!

Most of us are very fond of eating meat. They are very tasty and you can cook various dishes out of them. A lot of great cuisines are made of meat. With this, we can say that meat has really been a part of our living.

However, did you know that a Chinese farmer believes that making his pigs have a fitness routine will make their meat taste better than usual? Huang Deming set up a platform that is 10 feet high at a pond located in Ningxian County.

This Farmer Make His Pigs Jump from 10-Feet Platform. Find Out Why!

Huang would bring the pigs to the pond every day and let them dive in to the water, take the plunge, and swim for a while. It was such a cute sight to see the pigs plunge into the water! 

Huang believes that the exercise he makes his pigs do boosts their immune system and produce tastier meat as it also boosts their appetite.

Because the pigs are active and doing unusual activities, their fat deposits are on the leaner side, that is why their meat is better. 

An article of Countryside featured Huang’s strategy on making the pigs fit. He pointed out: “A pig that eats lots of fresh greens and gets plenty of exercise will have more muscle and less fat than a pig standing in a pig sty eating high carbohydrate grains all day.”

These pigs also hardly get sick because they are healthier than the other pigs, and they also no longer in need of antibiotics.



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