Exclusive - This Gigantic Asteroid Will Pass Too Close to The Earth on April 19! Terrifying!

Have you seen Deep Impact?

This Gigantic Asteroid Will Pass Too Close to The Earth on April 19! Terrifying!

Or maybe Armageddon?

This Gigantic Asteroid Will Pass Too Close to The Earth on April 19! Terrifying!

If you’ve seen these classic films, then this bit of news will definitely seem all too familiar.

Astronomers reported that an asteroid the size of the Rock of Gibraltar

this little pebble right here:

This Gigantic Asteroid Will Pass Too Close to The Earth on April 19! Terrifying!

...will be passing a bit too close to the Earth on April 19. 

Named “2014-JO25”, it’s about 2,000 feet wide and will be as close as 1.8 million kilometers from our planet. The asteroid was discovered in May of 2014 by astronomers who were working at the Catalina Sky Survey close to Tucson, Arizona.

You think that’s far? We hate to break it to you, but the moon is 5 times farther than that asteroid will ever be. 

Don’t worry, though. NASA is actually calling it an “outstanding opportunity” for astronomers, stargazers, or just about anyone else who knows how to handle a telescope.

"Astronomers plan to observe it with telescopes around the world to learn as much about it as possible," NASA stated.

They also said that we will have another close encounter with the rock before 2027 where it will within one lunar distance away from the Earth. That’s just 380,000 km. Yikes!

This Gigantic Asteroid Will Pass Too Close to The Earth on April 19! Terrifying!


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Source: TNP , GMA
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