Exclusive - This Guy Shared the Conversation He Had With His Strict Dad During Holy Week. His Posts Will Definitely Make You Laugh out Loud!
Most Filipinos are expected to spend their Holy Week in solemnity as a way of giving respect to Jesus Christ for sacrificing his life for our sins.
The majority of Catholic-born Pinoys were raised to know certain Holy Week traditions like the Pabasa and the Senakulo.
As part of the Holy Week customs, we also attend mass together with our family just to thank God and all the blessings he gives us.
Most of our parents are strict when it comes to Holy Week traditions as they were raised by very religious parents too. Besides, during their childhood, everyone was so conservative. There was no internet for them to enjoy, no bars for them to go to if they wanted to spend time with their friends. Heck, they weren’t even allowed to go out often.
If you compare your parents’ generation to the current generation, you’ll be able to see a big difference when it comes to the way we think and act.
This generation, or more commonly known as the “millennials,” is more independent and head-strong. It’s no wonder why parents almost always fail to understand their children, which leads to arguments.
A netizen went viral just recently when he posted his conversation with his dad.
Now, people nowadays commonly go out of town during the 4-day long Holy Week. Most Pinoys from Manila go home to their province or go to the beach to spend time with either their friends or loved ones.
But if you have a strict father such as the dad of netizen “Ast Ong,” you’ll know that going out, and even going to work during the Holy Week, is almost impossible.
In his Tweets, he shared with everyone his dad’s reactions to his texts.
In one of his posts, his dad gave him a very grumpy response when he texted “pa”
His father immediately assumed that he was going out. Talk about strict!
Here are his other posts. Check out how hilarious they are!
His dad is definitely hilarious when angry.
Were you able to relate to him? Do you also have strict parents? Share your experiences with us in the comments section below.