Exclusive - This Will Shock You! Check Out Nostradamus' Predictions For 2017!
The French Revolution, Napoleon's Campaign, the Rise of Hitler, the 9-11 Terrorist Attack, and even some footbal scores - Nostradamus has supposedly foreseen them all.
It doesn't end there either, here as some of the predictions Nostradamus gave for the year 2017.
1. Italy will be facing financial issues, making it the center of a European financial crisis.
2. The United States of America will face rampant corruption, social system failures, and even financial difficulty.
3. President Donald Trump’s rise and his campaign against refugees.
“ The great shameless, audacious bawler,
He will be elected governor of the army:
The boldness of his contention,
The bridge broken, the city faint from fear”
- Nostradamus