Exclusive - This Woman Asked The Funeral To Cremate Her Husband's Mistress, The Funeral Service's Response Is Unbelievable!

Whenever we’re frustrated with services or products, we look it up on Facebook and message its account to tell them of our grievances and complaints. 

Such was the case of this woman, who sent a private message to the St. Peter Funeral Servivce, only to receive an unbelievable reply. 

SHOCKING! St. Peter Funeral Service Tells This Netizen to Bring the Remains of Her Husband's Mistress If She Wants to Cremate Her!

According to Kami, this was the story: Facebook fan pageDJ Chacha (Ang Nag-iisang Dyosa sa Balat ng Radyo) posted screenshots of the conversation between the administrator of the St. Peter Funeral Service and a female netizen. 

The netizen apparently availed of their services in order to have her husband’s mistress be cremated. Whether that was a joke or not was not actually disclosed nor determined. 

It seemed as if it took a while for the administrator of the account to reply because the netizen followed it up with another message, this time, with curses. 

She accused them of not hearing her out and actually doing what she wanted them to do.

It turned out she was not joking when she said that because the Facebook page of the funeral service replied and issued out an apology.

However, it was not something that she had expected. The reply bordered on hilariousness and sarcasm.


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