Exclusive - Viral: Model And Actress Cara Delevingne Shows Off Her New Bald Look After Shaving Her Head!
If you’re a fan (even if you’re not), then you probably know just how beautiful, bubbly, and full of life Cara Delevigne is.
The former Victoria’s Secret Angel...
is now also an actress.
Cara stuns evverybody who has the good fortune of witnessing her beautiful face.
But look at her now!
Would you believe it if we said that that bald girl is Cara?
Is she sick???
Just what is going on?
Is that really her??
Don’t worry! She just shaved her head for a role in the upcoming film, Life in a Year. In the film, Cara will be portraying a dying teenager.
The movie will definitely be something to look out for as it will feature both the lovely Caraand Will Smith’s infamous son, Jaden.
Most comments from netizens are giving props to the actress for her commitment to the role.
“For the sake of the movie! Great ??”
- Yamerej Meng Codar
“that's a bald statement”
- Danielle Megan
“Brave act. ??”
- Venus Gabuya
Some people also pointed out that Cara is pulling off a “Britney Spears”
Netizens were reminded of the popstar's infamous meltdown back in 2007.
“Cara channeling her inner Britney Spears..”
-Emile Peña Nate
“Its britney b***h”
- Aisha Singhal
“2007 Britney. 2017 Cara. ?? ?? ?? Jk ??”
- Czarina Marushka Geronimo
What do you think of Cara’s new hairstyle - or rather, no-hairstyle? Let us know below!
Source: wheninmanila