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[Interesting] Is An Earth-Bound Spirit Messing With Your Energy?

When the physical body dies people are not always ready to move on. They can choose to remain in the vibration they were at when embodied. They do not have more knowledge. They do not become more enlightened.

They are still subject to the sympathetic person. Why? They feel much more comfortable being in a physical body because that’s what they know. They do not and cannot (without permission) take over the body.

Their subconscious “programming” does influence the living person’s body and mind. If the person whose body in which a spirit attachment is in is sensitive to energy, that person will feel and react to the spirit attachments thoughts and emotions, not realizing they belong to someone else.

Spirit attachments are ‘Earth Bound’ meaning they are stuck in a limbo state even if they don’t realize it. They are also stuck in the emotions and mind set (Programmed beliefs) they had while embodied.

Their mind set and emotions, as well as the aliments that affected them before passing away will affect the body they are attached to.

Sometimes it starts with anxiety or thoughts of impending doom, other times it starts with physical symptoms for aliments that the body does not have. Which leaves the doctor and the patient frustrated, confused or even misdiagnosed.

If you have an attachment, using the Pendulum or Muscle testing will be very inaccurate, as the thoughts of this person will affect the testing. You might be able to discover whether you have one or more spirit attachments with the following:

Test with the Pendulum these statements (but substitute it with your name):
“Kim’s Higher Self knows Kim to have a spirit attachment.” “Kim’s body has more than one spirit in it.” “Kim’s energy field has more than one spirit in it.”
If you get a ‘yes’ to any of these, remain calm. It is like having a roommate. Subconsciously, you agreed to this roommate or he/she would not be with you. All this person needs to know is he/she has better choices.

In a quiet moment in your home point out these choices to the spirit(s) with you:

Close your eyes, breathe in and out to relax, then in your mind or out loud say “I am now my I am” and imagine that you are inside of an empty white room located in the center of your chest.

You can test “I am my I am” and “I am in my heart space” and if you get yes for both all you have to do is say “I am my I am and I command all beings that are not “Kim” get into this room now!”

In the ceiling of the while room there is a huge spot light as well as a huge sprinkler like the ones that go off when there is a fire in the room.

As the room fills with people who are not “Kim” you may see them as people or just energy orbs or mist, it really does not matter how you see them because as soon as something appears either the sprinkler sprays them and they dissolve or the spot light turns on and they are vacuumed up into it like the old “beam me up, Scotty” on Star Trek.

This is the quantum way of doing things and is the best and most effective as well as easy way to do things. If you would like to do the old fashion way and communicate with the hitchhikers and find out who they are and why they are there you can surely do so.

In this case say “I am my I am and I command that any soul who has been in my body that is not me step forward now” then imagine on the back wall of the room a door.

The door will open and through it will come one being at a time. Those who have been there the longest will come first or you can say “who ever is making me feel so depressed come forward now” for example.

Once they come forward you can ask who they are, how long they have been there, why they are there. They may be confused, they may tell you that you are the dead one that you are actually in their body, I speak from experience on that one!

Next tell them:

1) Look for a Light. It is a Light brighter than the sun, except you can look directly into it. You will feel it welcoming you and drawing you to it. There is no judgment or punishment in the light.

You can suggest he/she ask for the perfect guide from the light to come escort them and show them the way.

Reassure the spirit no one ever has to stay in the light, but it is in the light he/she will be shown how to attain what he/she desires, including having exactly the kind of body they want if they want to be in the body again.

Or, if they feel they did not finish up the life they wanted as they desired or still feel things are missing from that life they will be helped to explore their unfulfilled desires. Then say “Goodbye, I know you are safe now”.

2) Then call in the next soul and do the same thing all over again. This is what I use to clear beings and I had times where it took me 4 hours to clear all the beings from clients or myself.

The quantum option I gave first is clearly the fastest and easiest and I programmed it to be instant and that God’s light keep you and the spirits protected from fallen beings or other harmful energies in the universe.

When you are done with either technique say in your head or out loud “I am my I am and I now ask my Higher Self to keep me and my home surrounded with the divine light of the holy spirit and Christ light and that my higher self keep all spirits who do not belong here away.”

Every time before using the pendulum (or other muscle testing), begin with this statement: “My Higher Self knows me to be free of spirit attachments.”

If no, you know what to do. If yes, you might also test this: “My Higher Self knows me to have been free of spirit attachments for the past week” just to be sure you are normally spirit attachment free.

A statement that can be used with the snowglobe technique after connecting to the snowglobe, grounding, and clearing using the light from above you can say “I am alone in my snowglobe” if you test “yes” you are good if you test “no” say “I am more than one”, “I am more than 2”, “I am more than 3, or 10, or 100, etc…” once you know how many you are say “I am my I am and I am alone in my snowglobe” imagine that you are in the center of your chest, inside the heart area, and then say Zero.

Imagine that a huge white zero comes from above you, drops down into your snowglobe, down through your body, and out your feet into the center of the earth.

Then test again “I am alone in my snowglobe” and you should be good. If not do it again until you are clear but the first time should work the only reason it would not is if you are not truly aligned with your heart or your I am self.

By: Maris Moris
Intuitive Teacher, Healer, Medium

The Spirit Science

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