Trending Now - Japanese Are Going Crazy About These Dolphin Succulents

Remember the bunny succulent plants? If you liked those you’re in for a real treat because someone just shared a pic of succulent plants that look like dolphins and the Japanese are going crazy about them!

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Called the Senecio peregrinus, this plant has a bunch of tiny leaves that look like little dolphins jumping in the air. The best part? The longer the vines get, the more the leaves look like dolphins! So, not only does the plant make your home cozier but it’s pretty adorable as well.

Twitter user @kao77neko shared a picture of this succulent and it has over 10k retweets and 11k likes since. Thank you @kao77neko, for introducing us to this awesome dolphin plant that we never knew we loved!


Image credits: kao77neko

Image credits: kao77neko

Image credits: kao77neko

Image credits: itsasucculentworld

Image credits: kao77neko

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