Exclusive - This Couple Was Caught Having Intercourse In The Park. What The Judge Gave As A Punishment Left The Court Speechless!

Michael Cicconetti is a Municipal Court judge in Painesville, Lake County, Ohio who dispenses a unique brand of what he calls "creative justice". The judge often leaves the choice of penalty to the defendant, who is faced with spending time in jail or undergoing one of Cicconetti's unusual punishments. These often involve placing the defendant in a similar position to that of the defendant's victim at the time of the crime.

Here, we listed down some of Judge Cicconetti’s unusual punishments:

1. A couple needed to clean the whole park and buy an ad in the local newspaper to apologize to the whole city after they had been caught having s*xual intercourse in the public park.

This Couple Was Caught Having Intercourse In The Park. What The Judge Gave As A Punishment Left The Court Speechless!

2. A woman was sentenced to spend a night in the woods with no food, water or tent, and only fire after she left 35 kittens in the forest.

This Couple Was Caught Having Intercourse In The Park. What The Judge Gave As A Punishment Left The Court Speechless!

3. A man had to stand in the corner of a street with a 350 lbs pig. He also had to hold a signboard saying “This is not a police officer.” He was given this punishment after he referred to police as pigs.

This Couple Was Caught Having Intercourse In The Park. What The Judge Gave As A Punishment Left The Court Speechless!

4. A man was sentenced to look at the corpse of two drunk driving accident victims after he was caught drunk driving.

This Couple Was Caught Having Intercourse In The Park. What The Judge Gave As A Punishment Left The Court Speechless!

5. Two teens were punished to lead a donkey around the city and act as Mary and Joseph after being found guilty of vandalizing on Jesus statue with “666.”

This Couple Was Caught Having Intercourse In The Park. What The Judge Gave As A Punishment Left The Court Speechless!

This creative punishments of Judge Cicconetti was proven effective as 90% of his convicts were never arrested again. Do you think this type of alternative punishment will also work in the Philippines? Tell us in the comments section!
Source: newsner

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