[Interesting] He Is Known As “Rubber Man” And Once You Watch This Video, You’ll Be In Utter Disbelief

Yash Shah from Surat, India has a few tricks up his sleeve. While what he does it not an illusion or a “magic” trick like what Criss Angel or the people on Penn & Teller’s show perform, it is just if not more inspiring and magical.

He Is Known As “Rubber Man” And Once You Watch This Video, You’ll Be In Utter Disbelief

The video footage below will probably make you wince. You can watch the teenage boy bending his body into shapes that will make you sick to your stomach. It’s truly shocking to watch someone do this to their bodies.

Now, the 18-year-old is vowing to top the Guinness Book of World Record title for the most flexible man in the world. While he is well on his way, he still has some stretching to do to make it all the way to the top…

When you watch this young man perform his “rubber body” feats, you’ll be shocked. It looks like he doesn’t have bones in his body. He is so flexible, he can rotate his head around 180 degrees just like an owl.

Because of his strange ability, he has become known as “rubber man” in his local community. And neighbors love to watch this young performer show them just how much his body can bed shape.

In the 2 ½-minute clip below, you’ll watch Shah get into positions that the human body should never be able to make. He twists his torso around completely. He puts his head between his legs near his bottom. And that’s only him just getting started.

Without flashing a smile, Shah twists and bends himself into positions that should splits his limbs in two. It’s incredible.
Shah admitted that he would never have the abilities he does today if it wasn’t for the internet. He said: “In an attempt to pull these crazy moves, I began training by myself with the help of television and internet.”
Shah’s mentor and role model is the famous American contortionist Daniel Browning Smith. This talented performer has demonstrated his moves across the globe. Shah began training on his own in his mid-teens after discovering he had the gift.

Contortionism is dangerous when performed rashly. Performers must intentionally dislocated their joints during their acts to do the incredible.

His grandfather was the person who encouraged him to follow his talent and take up the strange career. Because his family fully supports him, Shah has taken a year out of school to practice and pursue his passion for contortionism.

Another teen, 17-year-old Jaspreet Singh currently holds the record for being the “Most Flexible Indian” title. Shah hopes to defeat him and take the glory for himself.

Check out the video footage below. If you’re amazed, you are not alone. Millions are tuning in to watch this talented your performer. Here are some comments shared on Daily Mail:
“I think there was an article about another amazing Indian man, who thought he was immortal and could deflect swords with his bare chest…. didn’t end too well though,” shared one reader. 
“Robert Ripley would have loved to meet this guy,” shared one reader.


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