Trending Now - School Includes Teen’s Dog In Yearbook, And It Totally Deserves It

As the school year is almost up, seniors are finally receiving their yearbooks. And when the 18-year-old Diana Bloom from Stafford High School in Falmouth, Virginia, has received hers, she noticed that among all the students, there was another graduate – Alpha the dog!

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“Seeing a picture of a dog caught my eye pretty quickly,” Bloom told BuzzFeed News. “I thought it was so cute, and I knew that some of my underclassmen friends hadn’t seen it yet because they didn’t have their yearbooks so I took a picture and tweeted it.”

Captured in the picture is Alpha, Andrew ‘AJ’ Schalk’s service dog, who among being the cutest graduate of the year, is also a life saver. 16-year-old Andrew has type 1 diabetes, so Alpha is there to let him know when his blood sugar is getting too low or high. “The amazing thing about Alpha is that he knows 20 to 40 minutes before my blood sugar actually does go low or high due to his amazing sense of smell,” Schalk said. And Alpha has already saved Andrew’s life on multiple occasions by waking him in the night when his blood sugar levels had dipped.

During his time with Andrew, Alpha has become the school’s favorite and even has his own student ID. So when the time came to take photos for the yearbooks, it was a no-brainer to include Alpha as well.


While flicking through her yearbook, one senior student noticed that among all the students there was another graduate – Alpha the dog!


“I thought it was so cute… so I took a picture and tweeted it”



Meet the cutest yearbook’s couple, Andrew ‘AJ’ Schalk and his service dog Alpha, who among being the cutest graduate of the year, is also a life saver


16-year-old Andrew has type 1 diabetes, so Alpha and his amazing sense of smell is there to let Andrew know when his blood sugar is getting too low or high


Alpha has already saved Andrew’s life on multiple occasions when Alpha woke him in the night when his blood sugar levels had dipped


During his time with Andrew, Alpha has become the school’s favorite and even has his own student ID, so it was a no-brainer to include him in the yearbook as well


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