Trending Now - Stray Puppy Left To Die By Kids Who Covered It With Industrial Glue Refuses To Give Up
Pascal, a stray puppy from Turkey, was at the wrong place at the wrong time, when two twisted children started torturing the helpless dog.
He was only four months old when a rescue team found him in an industrial building and brought Pascal to He’Art of Rescue organization in Istanbul, Turkey. The kids did a lot of terrible things to the poor dog, and even covered the fellow in industrial glue.
The glue acted like cement and Pascal was so stiff he could basically move only his tongue. The staff at the facility shaved off the glue, along with twigs and mud that was stuck to Pascals fur. His skin was raw, pulsing with red wounds. It suffered significant damage from the chemicals, so the pup had to undergo a series of medical baths to recover.
Pascal was wary of humans and he couldn’t trust anyone except his vet. But with the loving care of the whole rescue team, he began to socialize more and more. After months of rehab, when his wounds healed and the fur came back, Pascal was put up for adoption, and soon found a warm forever home in Spain.
Now, Pascal lives with his family with another dog and the two are best buddies. They not only play together, but also run freely on the beach, and Pascal has finally began wagging his tail again.
(h/t: dailymail)