Viral Now - The Differences Between a Terrible Pick up Line and a Sweet One That Can't Fail

Picking up an attractive woman is a strong desire for some men, but it can also be quite difficult. You may be wondering what you should say to get the woman interested in you, also avoiding embarrassing yourself or getting yourself arrested? Here is a guide to everything you need to know, from the worst pick up line to what can be said to maximize your success rate:

When Is A Good Pick-up Line Most Needed?

The simple answer is that you should always have a good line ready, because you just don’t know when the perfect woman for you may come along. Most commonly, pick up lines are used in clubs or bars when approaching women. However, you may also want to stir up a conversation on a bus or train [1], while waiting in a dentist’s office, or even with a colleague at work.

How Bad Things Can Go with The Worst Pick-up Line?

Bad pick up lines make everyone cringe, men and women alike. The best case scenario of using a bad pick up line is getting ignored or rejected. Worst case, the person you approach may make fun of you or laugh about you to their friends. They may even take their phone out and start recording videos while making fun of you! Worst of all if you are particularly creepy, a woman may even call security or the police if your bad pick up lines make her especially uncomfortable.

Worst Pick-up Lines (You Should Really Avoid Them!)

Here are some examples of bad pickup lines from Uncyclopedia [2] that you DON’T want to use:

  • You really remind me of my ex-girlfriend!
  • You have really nice breasts
  • Nice shoes, we should go out
  • The doctor assures me I’m completely disease-free now
  • You’re like a tree stump, I’m falling over you
  • You’re hotter than my sister
  • If I had a dime for every time a girl said yes, I’d still be poor
  • Blink once if you want to go out with me
  • I’m with the FBI, female body inspectors
  • I’m secretly Batman
  • I’m not Fred Flintstone, but I can still make your bed rock
  • This chocolate bar isn’t the only thing that’s king-sized
  • You’re really beautiful for an overweight person
  • Will you marry me?
  • Are you free tonight or will it cost me?

Hopefully, you can immediately see what’s wrong with these bad lines, but if not, here’s a basic rundown of things to avoid when you approach women.

Some Further Taboos in Pick-up Lines

Don’t comment on their body

It doesn’t matter if you have a positive or negative thing to say about it. Women don’t want a shallow guy who is only interested in their physical appearance.

Don’t be creepy

This should actually be Rule #1. Whenever you’re approaching a woman, you should be observing to see if you are making her uncomfortable, and back off if that’s the case. The most unattractive thing for a woman is a creepy guy who is totally oblivious to how creepy he is.

Don’t be cheesy

No girl is going to want to talk to you if you make her eyes roll herself into another dimension.

Don’t come on too strong

Similar to not being creepy, there is a socially acceptable amount of compliments that you can give to a stranger.

So, What Makes A Good Pick-up Line?

Be genuine – don’t pretend to be a doctor or lawyer, and don’t act super suave. Just be yourself.

Be respectful – Don’t come on extremely aggressive. Respect personal space. Be polite and move on if she says no. Being approached by a random stranger can be scary and intimidating, so smile and be calm and use open body language to put them at ease.

A great pick up line only works if it is followed by real and engaging conversation. Otherwise it is like giving beautiful paints and a canvas to a man with no creative talent. Good start but no art. Before a guy reaches out to a new girl he should write down at least 5 reasons he would be a great person to get to know. No bull. 5 at least. If he cannot come up with 5 then the best line in the world will get him nowhere.

Matthew Anderson, Relationship Coach and Author of The Resurrection of Romance [3]

Best Pick-up lines (You May Follow or Learn From Them)

Here are a few good pick up lines that should give you a better understanding of what works. If all else fails, these will surely get you a laugh, and that’s a great start.

  • Hey, do you have a few minutes for me to hit on you?
  • Would you like to go out sometime? Just smile for yes, or do a backflip for no.
  • I was trying to have a guys’ night out and you just totally ruined it by being so cute.
  • You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.
  • If you were a fruit, you’d be a fineapple.
  • Can I take a picture of you so I can show Santa Clause what I want for Christmas?
  • Hey did you drop something? (Ummm What?) Your standards, Hi I’m Nick
  • Rejection can lead to emotional stress for both parties involved and emotional stress can lead to physical complications such as headaches, ulcers, cancerous tumors, and even death! So for my health and yours, JUST SAY YES!
  • Excuse me, I just noticed you noticing me and I just wanted to give you notice that I noticed you too.
  • I need to hop over to Facebook for a second to change my status to smitten.

Prepare For The Worst, Hope For The Best

Just remember to be yourself, and don’t act creepy. Remember not to take it personally if you get turned down a few times; not everyone is going to react favourably when you approach them. But if you try enough times, you’re sure to find the woman of your dreams. If all else fails, just drop the cheesy lines and be honest. A sincere “Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re really beautiful” could be your strongest line of all.

Featured photo credit: Flaticon via


[1] Older Dating: Non-Creepy Ways to Start a Conversation With a Stranger Today
[2] Uncyclopedia: Worst 100 Pick-Up Lines of All Time
[3] The Resurrection of Romance: Home

The post The Differences Between a Terrible Pick up Line and a Sweet One That Can’t Fail appeared first on Lifehack.

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