Viral Now - How to Constantly Make Right Decisions When Life Is Full of Uncertainties

Have you ever gone through a situation so bad that you sat down for a moment and wondered if you have thought this through because then you wouldn’t be stuck in this mess? You probably have because half the hardships that we meet in our life are created by ridiculous decisions we make, which are a reflection of our productivity. From what and where to eat, to what career to pursue, every little aspect of your life depends on smart decisions and clever calculations. Read on to find out why.

Always Calculate the Cost And Benefit Before Making Decisions

Cost benefit calculation is one of the smartest ways through which leading business experts and brands strategically determine and foresee the future of a business move. Sure, all of us do try and think things through before diving right in to the conclusion of a business decision, but the bigger the impact, the bigger the risk. To reduce the risk and to reassure yourself of a successful venture, you need to do a cost benefit calculation. It should be very much a part of everyday life. Before making any substantial decision, analyze the costs and benefits.[1]

Cost Benefit Analysis Helps You to Plan for the Future

The easiest way to execute a correct calculation and the right way to do it is by calculating the foreseeable cost as well as the expected quantifiable positive cash flow over a set period of time. This may sound a tad bit complicated but it is not. It’s as simple as planning all factors of a budget thoroughly so that you don’t have to face higher risks. Basically, cost benefit analysis reduces the risk.

It lets you lay a stronger foundation for your decision. It also helps you to foresee the changes that are going to occur to your plan and the mobilization of peripheral factors. It’s the smart way of making a decision. It’s a reflection of your productivity.

The biggest challenge is the process itself. It’s not that easy after all. It requires quite bit of groundwork. You need to understand the environment that your decision is going to disrupt. A thorough analysis is much needed. You need to understand the trends and nature of the market.

Predict Potential Risks and Plan for Them

In its simplest form, cost benefit calculation is a basic analysis, of how much of any resources are you investing and what you are getting in return. You draw a parallel between the inputs and outputs.

For instance, one could calculate how much one student studies for an exam and how high he will score on the paper. The result should be positively related, as in the more he studied, the better he must have scored. Or else, some peripheral element must have impacted the entire scenario.

In a larger context, you should ask yourself how much money you are investing into a business and what your profit will be. This needs to be analyzed long before the plan is implemented. In other words, the plan should be formed on the foundation of this calculation.

One needs to be on their toes while calculating these means as even the slightest factor could bring about transformative impact. Being updated, clear and focused can help you tremendously. Being absolutely aware of your plan and its impacts is necessary.

It makes the decision making process simpler and clearer. Cost benefit calculation can be applied to both smaller and larger decisions. It also aids you to be accurate in your planning and execution process. Try using this tool for a successful life!


[1] Investopedia: Cost-Benefit Analysis

The post How to Constantly Make Right Decisions When Life Is Full of Uncertainties appeared first on Lifehack.

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