Viral Now - How to Stop Snoring Immediately: 3 Practical Ways To Get Back Your Peace
Snoring is not necessarily a serious problem, and generally speaking almost everyone snores occasionally. However, if you are constantly snoring at night, it can disrupt the sleep of those who are nearby, and prevent them from having a good night’s rest. Additionally, if you snore every time you go to sleep, it can indicate that you are having health issues, and some of them could be more serious than you think.
Most commonly people resolve this issue by simply sleeping in separate bedrooms, but luckily, this is not the only solution. Here we will examine the basics of snoring, like how it occurs and what the cause is, and some solutions are going to be provided as well, to help you get rid of it.
What is actually happening?
Basically, when air cannot move freely through your nose and throat as you sleep, you snore. The snoring sound is created by the vibration of the tissue, as a result of an obstructed airflow. One of the reason why the air is obstructed is because people simply have too much throat or nasal tissue, which is prone to vibration. Luckily, this is nothing serious and there are easy solutions for this, which will be addressed in this article.
On the other hand, if your own snoring interferes with your sleep, then it could indicate [1] This is a serious condition and it requires a medical attention, and if you are suffering from fatigue and sleepiness, even after a good night’s rest, make sure you visit your doctor. Normal snoring does not wake you up or disrupt your sleep, whereas in the case of sleep apnea your sleep is interrupted up to hundreds of times per night, which is really alarming.
What are the possible causes?
Much like sneezing can be caused by allergies, cold, or when someone simply tickles your nose, there can be different causes for snoring. Here are some of the most common reasons why you snore.
Age – As we get older our throats become narrower, and also our throat muscles shrink, which can result in more floppy tissue which vibrates. Even though you can’t combat old age, you can make some alterations to your lifestyle, and add some throat exercises that can help you reduce snoring.
The way we are – Men are more likely to snore than women, because they have a narrower air passage. So, if you have a narrow throat, or enlarged adenoids or any other physical attribute like a cleft palate for example, you can be more prone to snoring. Again, you cannot blame yourself for these traits, much like you can’t blame yourself for aging, so you can undergo some lifestyle changes and you will be able to reduce snoring.
Being out of shape – Obesity brings more fatty tissue and snoring is just one of the problems that comes with the territory. So, the way to fix this is to start working out and to eat healthier.
Sinus problems – Blocked airways are the basis for snoring so, if you have a cold you are likely to snore.
Alcohol and smoking – Snoring can be caused by an excessive intake of alcohol and cigarettes, because they lead to muscle relaxation.
Sleeping position – If you sleep flat on your back, your throat will relax and it will obstruct the airflow, so people who sleep on their back are likely to snore.
The Way You Snore Tells Why You Snore.
Even though you know the possible causes it doesn’t mean you are immediately going to guess what triggers your snoring. If someone knows how you sleep they can help you identify problem, or you can also film yourself as you sleep to uncover the root of the problem. Here are some examples:
Closed-mouth snoring – this can indicate problems with your tongue.
Open-mouth snoring – problems with throat tissue.
Snoring when you sleep on your back – try changing your sleeping position like suggested in the previous section.
Snoring regardless of your sleep position – can indicate a more serious condition, better consult your doctor.
Ways To Make You Feel Better At The Moment.
Now that you know how to identify the problem, and what are the causes here are some tips to help you prevent snoring.
Anti-snoring mouth appliance – This can help you by keeping your airway open. It bring forward your lower jaw and/or tongue as you sleep.
Keep your bedroom clean – If your bedroom is not clean, you can have hard time breathing. So, buy a humidifier, and clean your room more frequently. Also the quality of your rug may influence how fast dirt accumulates, so do some research on different types of area rugs and see which one is the easiest to clean.
Clear nasal passage – If a stuffy nose is the cause of your snoring you can rinse it with saline, right before you turn in. Nasal strips, Neti pot, or nasal decongestant can all help you clear your airways and breathe easier, thus eliminating snoring. Also, if you have allergies you need to reduce the triggers, which pretty much implies you should clean your room regularly, as previously suggested.
How About Some Long Term Preventions?
As far as long term solutions go, they include abandoning some bad habits and adopting a new lifestyle. This is more difficult, but if you wish to stop snoring it’s pretty much the only way to adequately address this issue.
Keep an eye on your weight – In order to reduce the fatty tissue that is clogging your airway, you must lose weight[2]. This means you will need to eat healthier, lay off the junk food and fizzy drinks, and you should also work out.
Quite smoking – Smoking is definitely causing you to snore, because it irritates the membrane in your nose and throat. Even though it can be difficult to break free from this addiction, you should focus your efforts on doing so, since snoring is probably the least serious issue caused by smoking.
Avoid alcohol, and other relaxants – If you take sleeping pills, or sedatives or alcohol your muscles can become too relaxed, which will cause vibrations and produce snoring sounds as you sleep. It would be for the best to avoid them if you need to get a good rest, and if you don’t want to bother people who are close to you.
So, these were some quick, as well as long term solutions for dealing with snoring. Hopefully, the article will help you identify the cause of your problem and how to resolve it, and you will no longer have to deal with snoring in the future.
Featured photo credit: via
[1] | ^ | SOURCE: Sleep Apnea |
[2] | ^ | SOURCE: WebMD:Diet & Weight Management |
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