Viral Now - These 7 Foods Contain Way More Vitamin D Than You Think!

Vitamin D, or as it also known the “sunshine vitamin”, is very important for our health and for keeping our energy levels high. This vitamin is vital for calcium absorption and promoting bone growth. It can also help in regulating your immune system, blood pressure, weight loss and fighting depression. In addition, it can also help fight various diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and heart disease.

As its other name suggests, we get vitamin D when we are exposed to the sunlight. But what happens if you spend more time indoors or live in a place with little sunlight? Your body needs enough vitamin D, and so you need to include more vitamin D rich foods in your diet.

Why is vitamin D so important?

One of the most important functions of vitamin D is to help our bones stay strong. As National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases explains, we need vitamin D in order to absorb calcium, and without having enough vitamin D to absorb calcium, our bones become soft and fragile.[1]

Several studies confirm its multiple benefits, such as decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease,[2] improving the symptoms of depression,[3] and it even helps decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis.[4]

Studies have indicated that vitamin D deficiency may cause several serious conditions. A study published in the Neurology journal discovered that not having enough vitamin D can increase the risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.[5] Another study published in Clinical Cancer Research indicates there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and prostate cancer.[6]

Which foods you should consume to get enough vitamin D?

National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements gives recommendations of how much vitamin D you should take:[7]

  • Children from ages 0-12 400 IU
  • Children from ages 1-13 600 IU
  • Teenagers from ages 14-18 600 IU
  • Adults from ages 19-70 600 IU
  • Adults above the ages of 70 800 IU

We present you with the list of foods that are the great source of vitamin D that you can incorporate into your everyday diet.

1. Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D, and it contains and it contains 10,000 IU of vitamin D in 100 grams, or 1,400 IU in one tablespoon (14 grams), and 500 IU per teaspoon (5 grams). Besides containing vitamin D, this oil is also rich vitamin A and Omega-3 fats.

2. Portobello mushrooms

When exposed to the sunlight, Portobello mushrooms are a great source of vitamin D. In 100 grams, they contain 1,136 IU of vitamin D, 977 IU per cup (86 grams), and 954 IU in one mushroom (84 grams).

These mushrooms also contain fibers, proteins, potassium and phosphorous. You can prepare these delicious grilled Portobello mushrooms that are both tasty and full of healthy nutrients.

3. Trout

Among other fish that are source of vitamin D, such as salmon and swordfish, trout is one of the fish that is very rich in this vitamin. From 100 grams, you can get 760 IU of vitamin D, or from one fillet (71 gram), you can get 540 IU.

Beside vitamin D, you can also find vitamins B6 and B12, as well as phosphorous, potassium and selenium in trout. There are many mouth-watering trout recipes, and you can try this interesting Stuffed Rainbow Trout recipe.

4. Fish roe

Fish roe contains 484 IU of vitamin D in 100 grams, 136 IU in 28 grams, and 68 IU in 14 grams. It is also rich in vitamin A and Omega-3 fatty acids. If you love sushi, you can make this sushi with egg yolk, and eat a delicio us meal rich in vitamin D.

5. Fortified whole grain cereal

These cereal can be great way to start your day with a healthy meal, as they contain 332 IU of vitamin D in 100 grams, or 100 IU per ¾ cup (30 grams). They also contain fibers, proteins and vitamin C.

6. Lite firm tofu

Tofu contains 154 IU of vitamin D in 100 grams, or 123 IU in 79 grams. Besides vitamin D, tofu is also rich in protein and it contains 8 essential amino acids. For healthy lunch, you can prepare Tofu and asparagus pad Thai.

7. Hard boiled eggs

Hard boiled eggs can be a great source of energy for your body, and also a great source of vitamin D, as they contain 88 IU in 100 grams, 120 IU per cup (136 grams), or 44 IU per egg (50 grams). Eggs are also full of other vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, potassium and vitamin E.

Deviled eggs are the perfect snack made from boiled eggs, and there are plenty recipes available, but you can start with this classic one.

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