Viral Now - Why do Pregnant Women Crave Pickles? Do Pregnancy Cravings Exist?
Is it hard enough to give up on eating those cheese and crackers during your pregnancy period? Pregnant women are thrust upon with endless notion that circles around for a long time: She must be craving those crispy, salty pickles and tacos. People also link those food cravings–including, but not limited to oatmeal, peanut butter, pickles, and ice cream–to the the weird yearning of their babies in the fetus. Different nations and their cultures experience a diverse range of foods that a women craves during pregnancy. The subject of food craving, whether it’s good to have or not, or what it heralds about the unborn baby, has become controversial among the people.
Pregnancy carving do exist and it’s not anything novice. It’s been around here for hundreds of years but there is not a one-fit-all food that is craved during pregnancy. Women crave pickles during pregnancy but that is not the only food at all. Expectant moms may desire for a lot of other foods, too. Pregnant women in the United States[1] have been reported to crave for fruit juices, pickles, Ice cream, and pizza. Other common craved foods among pregnant women include meat, mangoes, yogurt, oranges, plantain, and soft drinks.
Many researchers, and medical doctors have explained why there is a strong inclination toward some foods while an aversion to few others.
Craving sweet foods during pregnancy is considered as a sign of having a baby girl and those savory snacks give sign of a boy. Dr Merriam Stoppard, an MD, Health care expert and Television presenter, debunked this myth of pregnancy craving that lingered around us for a long time. She says, “Cravings are thought to be the body’s response to deficiency in certain minerals and trace elements. Indulge them where reasonable but keep away from the ones that are obviously harmful such as coal.”
Pregnancy Craving May be Psychological:
Another research has been carried out to make the crazy pregnancy craving logical. They suggest that craving could be something on mind with no reasonable relation with the body demand for nutrients. A study conducted by the UAlbany[2] , while reviewing the existing data of women collected from blog posts, internet websites and other social media platform, suggested that surprisingly there was no relationship between pregnancy craving and nutritional needs of the body.
Julia Hormes, University at Albany Psychology Department researcher[3] , believes that a psychological factor of social norm that is prevalent in the U.S about the pregnant women could be the cause for food craving.
Some other studies suggested that food craving–during pregnancy–may lead to a weight gain.However, it’s not true for other nations. Such as a study carried in Tanzania[4] where foods of more than 200 pregnant women were meat, fresh fruit, vegetables, and grains; those that cause no weight gain.
Body Hormones May be Causing Food Craving:
Pregnant women are prone to resist leptin, a hormone in the body that impedes appetite. When these hormones are cut out of the way, other hunger stimulating hormone, Neuropeptides, plunge into the blood stream. Research has shown that more Neuropeptides are produced during pregnancy. This imbalance of hormones tends women to be voracious and hence the craving for certain food increases.
Other research has pointed that the production of abnormal taste in the mouth of expectant moms maybe indulged in stimulating food craving. The research showed that roughly 75 percent of the pregnant women reported to have a weird kind of smell or taste. Due to the interaction of uterine and gustatory neurons with each others, the buds make an unexpected taste. The craving enhances due to this sensitivity.
Cultural Aspect of Food Craving:
Some cultures across the world has a different explanation for the pregnancy craving. Hindus in India interpret food craving as a result of Dohada–means “two-heartedness.” The presence of a second soul in the mother body is the reason behind the pregnant women unusual errands to the pizza shop or beverages bars. They think that for the better health and nourishment of the unborn baby, those cravings must be fulfilled.
What Should You Believe?
You don’t need to pay heed to the conventional beliefs of the people who, out of morbid curiosity, will leave you baffled with their contrived advises, dos, and donts. Instead, focus on the bigger picture: What’s good for you and your baby and what your physician recommends?
Craving is not something to worry about and it won’t make anything wrong with you. But you should discuss the diet and food with your physician . He better understands your position and what you should eat and avoid.
If the doctor refrains you from gnawing on raw vegetables–because they’re not healthy to eat during pregnancy–you should avoid it. Your fastidious belly won’t wrest your neck for that particular food. On the other hand, some food items are much better to eat more than once a day. And if that triggers craving, let it be. Because it’s good for your health.
How to Deal with Deal with Food Craving?
Avoid Unhealthy Food:
Check to see if that particular food you’re craving is really healthy? If that’s, congrats! You have a good point to hanker for it. And you have the logic to rave about it, everywhere. But this may not be a case with all other foods you eat that you’re obsessed with. Try to prevent sneaking into the kitchen to munch on the potato chips all the time–if they are not good for you. You can hold yourself accountable for not eating the food that’s not recommended by the doctor. This way you can control your food craving.
Don’t Skip on any of your meals:
Following a health lifestyle is the key to make it through that tough craving stage during pregnancy. If you skip on your lunch or breakfast or just dine too early, it may increase your craving. This would not only make you unhealthy but it’s also not good for that little baby curled inside the fetus. So it’s much better to be on time for that matter.
Talk to Your Doctor:
It’s most important to let know the doctor about your progress. when you’re not feeling well and are indulged in excessive craving, it maybe the time to see your doctor and update him on your unusual cravings. Some women crave for eating dirt, soap, coal, or ashes. This particular craving–called pica–maybe due to the lack of nutrients in your body. It is better to consult your doctor immediately.
There is still a long way down the road to explore more about the causes of food craving of pregnant women. If those pickles are demanded repeatedly, there should be the deficiency of some specific nutrients in the body. There is, however, little support to justify traditional beliefs of pregnancy cravings. But nutritional deficiency in the body of the pregnant woman may make sense for the scientists to carry their research with.
[1] | ^ | NCBI:Cravings and aversions of pregnant adolescents. |
[2] | ^ | University at Albany:Expectant Mothers Take Note: Pregnancy Food Cravings May Be Psychological |
[3] | ^ | University at Albany:Expectant Mothers Take Note: Pregnancy Food Cravings May Be Psychological |
[4] | ^ | NCBI:Food cravings, aversions and pica among pregnant women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. |
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