[Interesting] High Radiation Levels Found In North American Seafood

Bronwyn Delacruz , a high school student from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada discovered that a variety of seafood, particularly seaweeds, are littered with high levels of radiation.(1)(7) After she became concerned with how little food inspection actually takes place with our food, and discovering that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) stopped testing imported foods for radiation in 2012, she decided to carry out her own tests.

She used a Geiger counter (which others have done and have also found high levels of radiation) as part of a science project which will be displayed at the Canadian National Fair next month.

High Radiation Levels Found In North American Seafood

Some of the kelp that I found was higher than what the International Atomic Energy Agency sets as radioactive contamination, which is 1,450 counts over a 10-minute period. Some of my samples came up as 1,700 or 1,800. (1)

She attends Composite High School, and she tested more than 300 individual samples of seaweed, with 15 brands exported from New Brunswick, British Columbia, California, Washington, China and Japan. Each product was purchased in an Alberta grocery store.

I just wanted to see if it was contaminated and I did find [levels of] radioactive contamination in [the samples],” she said. “I’m kind of concerned that this is landing in our grocery stores. Kelp was higher than what was considered dangerous, some of them came up to 1,700, 1800 (counts)” (7)

As most of you reading this will know, when it comes to environmental disasters, the nuclear fallout at Fukushima is among the worst that has happened in recorded history. We are talking about an incident that saw anywhere from 300 to possibly over 450 tons of contaminated water that contains radioactive iodine, cesium, and strontium-89-90 leak into the Pacific Ocean on a daily basis, even years after the event has taken place.

Not long ago, fish with deadly levels of radioactive cesium were caught just off the coast of Fukushima. Multiple fish here have shown radioactive levels that are not safe for human consumption. One of the samples (black sea bream) caught 40 kilometers south of the power plant tested at 12,400 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium, making it 124 times deadlier than the threshold considered safe for human consumption. (3)

But has this radiation reached North America? What about imported food? According to researchers from Australia, France and Spain:

Following the March 2011 Fukushima disaster, large amounts of water contaminated with radionuclides, including Cesium-137, were released into the Pacific Ocean. With a half-life of 30.1 years, Cs-137 has the potential to travel large distances within the ocean. Our research suggests that Fukushima derived Cs-137 will penetrate the interior ocean and spread to other oceanic basins over the next two decades and beyond. (2)

Scientists have estimated that 2014 is the year that the radioactive ocean plume from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear plant disaster will reach the shores of North America, despite atmospheric radiation being detected on the US west coast just days after the incident. Models also identified that radiation would be traveling through the worlds oceans for years to come. (4)(5)

Although health assessments have been done illustrating that the radioactive particles that make their way to North America’s waters will have a limited effect on human health, many people don’t believe it, and Bronwyn’s high school project seems to raise some questions.

Any amounts of leaked radiation is harmful to the planet and the health of all species, including humans. A major release of radioactivity, such as that from Fukushima, is a huge concern, with unknowns remaining around long-term health risks such as cancer. (4)(5)

A study published in the peer-reviewed Open Journal of Pediatrics has found that radioactive iodine from Fukushima has caused a significant increase in hypothyroidism among babies in California.(6) Even though Japan is 5000 miles across the Pacific Ocean, the study found that elevated airborne beta levels on the West Coast are directly correlated with this common trend among newborn babies after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown.

What Can We Do About It?

For us to completely ignore this situation and deny it is not the answer, that’s why continual awareness is key to bringing about change. One thing we can do about it, as a human collective, is change the way we look at energy generation methods. Clearly, we don’t need nuclear reactors to boil water to generate steam in order to push a turbine that creates electricity, there are better ways and it’s time to implement them.

Another very important aspect is the power of consciousness. A number of scientific studies have proven that consciousness alone has the power to alter the physical material world we perceive around us (you can read more about that here), this includes healing intention. By raising awareness, and really realizing how damaging this fallout was/is, a large amount of love, prayer and healing intent was/is directed to our waters and the surrounding area. There is no doubt in my mind that the power of consciousness is playing a large role in cleaning up this mess.

Fukushima is just another opportunity for the human race to wake up, we will not be given unlimited opportunities, but these events do serve us in opening our eyes to our limitless potential to create something new, and operate in a way that is more harmonious with the planet and all beings we share it with.

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