Trending Now - “My Friend Who Is A Gardener Sends Me Photos Of Himself At Work”

Remember Sean Spicer’s embarassing ‘disappearing into the bushes’ moment after journalists asked him to explain why the president fired FBI director James Comey? Well, we found this gardener who predicted this would happen back in 2013 when he hid in the bushes while at work – and here are the pictures to prove it.

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One Imgur user posted the following photos with the caption: “My friend who is a gardener sends me photos of himself at work”, and it went viral! Now everyone is writing to the guy, asking him to introduce them to his hilarious gardener friend. While some people call this man a major creep, one thing is for sure – he definitely knows how to enjoy himself at work, and that’s more than we can say for Mr. Spicer.


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