Trending Now - A Neglected Goldfish Lived In Filth Until This Hero Rescued Him
This is a story about a goldfish who was completely neglected – but had a spirit of a fighter to survive. “Was given a fishy tank by my 16 year old niece, a goldfish won at the state fair 1.5 years ago that she never really wanted…and just kept living. He is a champion, really,” writes one Imgur user.
“His tank made me so sad no filtration, just aeration, the water was dense, but my little fishy was just chillen.” The woman refilled the tank to the top and set off to the pet shop to get a new aquarium.
“So according to the aquarium dude, taking the fish from bad water to fresh quick is how you get a dead fishy. Which is fine cuz my aim was to spoil, and I needed time to slowly buy supplies.” The woman started slowly changing out the goldfish’s water, and after 2 weeks, the fish was fully upgraded to a cleaner existence.
Today the fish gets to enjoy a brand new aquarium and his days of struggle and abandonment are left behind. “My fishy in his new home, I love him… Been 2 days and no signs of the transition bothering him, soon he will get some fish buddies to hang with. The end.”