
Trending Now - Single Mom Misses Class, And Her Professor’s Response Wins The Hearts Of Millions People

Raising a child while trying to put yourself through school can be a difficult juggle, especially when childcare plans fall through at the last minute. That’s exactly what happened to university student and single mom Morgan King, but when she explained herself to her professor, she never could have expected the response she received.

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The 21-year-old, who studies Therapeutic Recreation at the University of Tennessee, is the proud mommy of a little lady named Korbyn, and works nights at a restaurant to support her when she’s not in school. When she had to miss an important class on June 14th, which included an assignment and a quiz, to look after baby Korbyn, she wrote an email to her professor in apology. The reply that popped up in her inbox the next day was so genuinely heartwarming, Morgan couldn’t resist sharing it on Twitter.

As it turned out, the rest of the world thought it was just as sweet. The professor in question, Dr. Sally B. Hunter, became an overnight Internet sensation, garnering over 26 thousand likes and almost 5 thousand shares for her sincere words, as well as appearing on publications all across social and professional media. Read her touching email below, and remember that even the smallest offer to help can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Morgan King, a single mom and university student, recently had to miss class to look after her baby daughter

Image credits: Morgan King

When she emailed her professor to explain herself, she received an incredible response, and shared it on Twitter

The heartwarming letter garnered thousands of likes and shares, and quickly spread across social media

The professor, Dr. Sally B. Hunter, is a parent herself, and understood Morgan’s struggle

She seems to be adjusting well to her newfound fame

As you would’ve guessed, the praise and support came rolling in for both Morgan and Professor Hunter

“We all need people around us, people supporting us. Nobody can do this journey by themselves,” Hunter told a local TV station

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