Trending Now - This Viral Photo Of Color-Coded Grandchildren Shows Just How Much One Family Can Grow

This family has a family photo unlike any others. Shared by the Roussel Six Pack Facebook page, the photo shows 17 grandchildren of 6 siblings all in one place. The grandchildren are all standing in birth order with color-coded shirts for each family. “The photo was my sister’s idea,” Chrissy, the mother of the 6 kids in hot pink shirts, told Popsugar. “Having a big family means lots of noise, laughter, and, most importantly, love. Between the 17 cousins, there’s always someone to play with and have fun with. They have a ball together. I loved having a big family growing up, and I’m so happy that my kids have the same experience.”

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The beautiful photo also pays homage to their grandfather, who passed away. “I also reflect on how those 17 kind, thoughtful, funny kids are my dad’s greatest legacy,” Chrissy said. “A beautiful legacy of love, indeed. We miss him so much, but we feel his presence every day through the love and joy of all these kids.”

More info: Facebook (h/t: popsugar)

These grandchildren have a family pic unlike any others



“Having a big family means lots of noise, laughter, and, most importantly, love,” Chrissy, the mother of 6 of the grandchildren said


“Between the 17 cousins, there’s always someone to play with and have fun with”


“They have a ball together”


“I loved having a big family growing up, and I’m so happy that my kids have the same experience”


The Internet absolutely loves their photo idea!





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