Trending Now - Tiny Baby Animal Is So In Love With His Human It Follows Him Everywhere He Goes

Remember Taz from Looney Tunes? He and all Tasmanian Devils are considered endangered. Luckily, people like Tim Faulkner dedicate their lives to fighting their extinction. Tim is a Tasmanian Devil keeper in Australia, and the animals that he takes care of love him with all their hearts. Especially the little ones.

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One particular baby is so attached to Tim, he chases his keeper everywhere. In return, Tim rewards him with warm cuddles and satisfying belly rubs. Besides being great swimmers and excellent tree climbers, Tasmanian Devils also form exceptional bonds, and this furry critter is the perfect proof of just how strong they can get. Tim loves his job and often shares heartwarming videos and photos of his daily life among the devils.

The young marsupial is one of 150 healthy Tasmanian devils roaming in the Devil Ark’s free-range facilities in New South Wales, Tomalla. The sanctuary began its operations in 2011 with just 44 Tasmanians. Since then, it had 5 successful breeding seasons with over 180 healthy joeys born.

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