[Amazing] 25 Ugliest Dogs You Have Ever Seen
All dog owners think their beloved furry friend is the smartest and most beautiful doggie in the world. You can’t really blame them; it’s very hard to be unbiased when owning a dog. Truth to be told, however, not every dog is that cute and charming. In fact, every year at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in California, one (un)lucky pooch is crowned with the dubious title of “the World’s Ugliest Dog.” In some dog breeds, such as the Chinese crested dog and the Mexican hairless dog, the occurrence of ugly individuals is much higher than in others. The old saying goes that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but let us be honest here, these 25 dogs can hardly be described as beautiful. Here are 25 Ugliest Dogs You Have Ever Seen.
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