Trending Now - 10+ Photos Proving That Hens Are The Best Moms In The Animal Kingdom
Mothers are awesome. They’re caring, loving and can do everything for the little ones. And I’m not only talking about amazing women, but also about all the mothers of the animal kingdom. Hens included.
Hens are known to adopt other chicks and care for them as if they were their own. Farmers have their hens adopt little chicks all the time. But sometimes hens are quick to adopt other animals as well.
Take a look at 10+ amazing mother hens and their tiny “babies”. Which one of them surprised you the most?
Hen and dog
Mother Hen and her pigeons
Gertrud the chicken Adopted American rhea chicks
Image credits: EPA/UWE ANSPACH
Hen and her kittens
Hilda the hen hatches clutch of ducklings after sitting on wrong nest and now they’re her babies
Image credits: bnps
Hen and her kittens
Momma hen and her ducklings
Image credits: rebrn
This dummy stole a litter of kittens from their mother
Image credits: virnovus
Chicken adopted an orphaned duckling
Image credits: SWNS
Hen adopts litter of kittens for Mother’s Day
Image credits: Debi and Dave Walters
Hen taking care of kittens during storm
Image credits: wine-weed-wednesday
Hen and her adopted litter of puppies
Piglet and mother hen
Hen and her adopted litter of puppies
Tiny goat’s mother hen
Image credits: news24
My cat had kittens in the chicken coop. When she is away, a nesting hen babysits for her
Image credits: YardEggs
Can a chicken raise a duck?
Image credits: A Chick Called Albert
The most lucky duckling of the planet
Image credits: imgur
Chicken adopts baby ostriches
Image credits: arbroath
Baby Jackdaw Adopted by Broody Hen & Fed by Us
Image credits: Pavlovafowl – Organic Forest Garden Poultry
Ducklings for mother hen
Image credits: katrine rudolph
Hen adopts 4 kittens
Mother and her chicks and ducklings
Hen adopts ducklings
Image credits: Naid Melo Moura
Hen adopts two pigeons
Broody Babysits Fantail Pigeons
Image credits: Pavlovafowl – Organic Forest Garden Poultry
This small cat lost her mother and the hen adopted him
Image credits: yourshot